
By 17aeu
  • Nov 25, 1498

    Christopher Columbus and Alonso de Ojeda visit Venezuela, which is inhabited by Carib, Arawak and Chibcha peoples.

  • Nov 25, 1521

    Spanish colonisation begins on the north-east coast.

  • First rebellion against Spanish colonial rule.

  • Venezuelan patriots take advantage of Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Spain to declare independence.

  • Independence Act signed.

  • Venezuela secedes from Gran Colombia and becomes an independent republic with its capital at Caracas.

  • Venezuela governed by Antonio Guzman Blanco, who attracts foreign investment, modernises infrastructure and develops agriculture and education.

  • Admiral Wolfgang Larrazabal ousts Marcos Perez Jimenez; leftist Romulo Betancourt of the Democratic Action Party (AD) wins democratic presidential election.

  • Movement of the Revolutionary Left splits from AD and commences anti-government work.

  • Venezuela's first presidential handover from one civilian to another takes place when Dr Raul Leoni (AD) is elected president.

  • Venezuela benefits from oil boom and its currency peaks against the US dollar; oil and steel industries nationalised.

  • Fall in world oil prices generates unrest and cuts in welfare spending; Dr Jaime Lusinchi (AD) elected president and signs pact involving government, trade unions and business.

  • Hugo Chavez Elected President

  • Floods & Mudslides

    Floods and mudslides hit the north and kill thousands
  • Hugo Chavez wins another 6 years in office