Timeline European Union

  • End of world war ll

    End of world war ll
  • Begguning Cold War (USA vs ISSR)

    Begguning Cold War (USA vs ISSR)
  • France proposed Germany a reconciliation

    France proposed Germany a reconciliation
  • European coal and steel community

    European coal and steel community
    The following year Paris, six countries sign a treaty establishing the European coal and steel community
  • Treaties of Rome

    Treaties of Rome
    The first treaty create the European Economic Community (EEC). Free movement of workers. CAP (community agriculture polices)
    Establishes Euratom (European European atomic energy)
  • Three European institution (ECSC, EEC, EURATOM)

    Three European institution (ECSC, EEC, EURATOM)
  • Merger Treaty

    Merger Treaty
    The European Communities was established as are sult of the merger of the institutions set up by the ECSC, the EEC and the Euratom.
  • From 6 to 9 member countries

    From 6 to 9 member countries
    The 6 members become 9 when Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom formally join the European Communities.
  • Creation of European Council

    Creation of European Council
    The European Council is created with the intention of establishing an informal forum for discussion between heads of state or government.
  • First European Elections

    First European Elections
    For the first time, European citizens can vote for who they want to represent them in the European Parliament. Before the introduction of direct elections, MEPs were appointed by the national parliaments of each Member State. The European elections have been held every 5 years since then.
  • Greece joins the European Communities

    Greece joins the European Communities
    Greece becomes the 10th country to join the European Communities, now known as the European Union.
  • Spain and Portugal join the European Communities

    Spain and Portugal join the European Communities
    Spain and Portugal join the European Communities, bringing the total number of members to twelve.
  • European flag

    European flag
    The European flag is raised for the first time in front of the Berlaymont building to the music of the European anthem. The flag is made up of 12 golden stars on a blue background. The number of stars never changes. They stand for the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoples of Europe.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Fall of the Berlin Wall
    The collapse of communism across central and eastern Europe, which begins in Poland and Hungary, is symbolised by the fall of the Berlin Wall. The German Democratic Republic opens its borders. Germany is united after more than 40 years, and its eastern part joins the European Community
  • European Humanitarian Aid Office

    European Humanitarian Aid Office
    The European Commission sets up a ‘European Humanitarian Aid Office’. The EU is one of the world’s largest aid providers.
  • Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU

    Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU
    Austria, Finland and Sweden join the EU, increasing its membership to 15.
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    The Treaty of Amsterdam is signed in the capital of the Netherlands. It prepares the European Union for the arrival of future Member States.
  • The euro

    The euro
    Euro notes and coins become the legal currency in 12 EU countries. Printing, minting and distributing them is a major logistical operation. More than 80 billion coins are involved. While euro coins have a common side giving the value, each country has its own design on the other side.
  • Ten more countries join the EU

    Ten more countries join the EU
    Large parts of eastern and western Europe are united in peace and democracy as 10 new countries join the EU. The addition of Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia brings the total number of Member States to 25.
  • Bulgaria and Romania join the EU

    Bulgaria and Romania join the EU
    Bulgaria and Romania join the European Union, bringing its membership to 27.
  • Croatia joins the EU

    Croatia joins the EU
    Croatia becomes the 28th member of the European Union.
  • UK leaves the EU

    UK leaves the EU