Timeline European Union

  • End of world war 2

    End of world war 2
  • Beginning of the Cold War

    Beginning of the Cold War
    USA (United States of America) VS USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics)
  • France proposed reconciliation to German Federal Republic / Coal and Steal boost economy

    France proposed reconciliation to German Federal Republic / Coal and Steal boost economy
  • European Coal and Steal community (ECSC)

    European Coal and Steal community (ECSC)
    The treaty is signed by: Italy, Luxenburg, Belgium, France, Netherlands and FGR.
  • Treaties of Rome

    Treaties of Rome
    1 treaty: European Economic Community (EEC)
    2 treaty: European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom)
  • Merger treaty

    Merger treaty
    Institutions together and converts in one.
  • Ireland, UK and Denmark join the community

    Ireland, UK and Denmark join the community
  • European council

    European council
  • Spain and Portugal joined the community

    Spain and Portugal joined the community
    12 members sign European acts.
  • European head of state sign the Maastricht Treaty / EU is created

    European head of state sign the Maastricht Treaty / EU is created
    The 7th of February
  • Schengen Agreement

    Schengen Agreement
    Austria, Sweden and Finland joins (15 members)
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    Thoughts of creating euro.
  • Europe central bank

    Europe central bank
  • Euro is in EU and in use

    Euro is in EU and in use
  • Treaty of Nice

    Treaty of Nice
  • Constitutional treaty

    Constitutional treaty
    10 heads join to the EU
  • Treaty of Lisbon

    Treaty of Lisbon
    Rumania and Bulgaria joined. / 27 countries in the EU
  • Eurozone debt crisis

    Eurozone debt crisis
    (PIGS): Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain
  • European migrant crisis

    European migrant crisis
    Croatia joins EU
  • Turkish border

    Turkish border
    Europe signs agreements with Turkey and Lybia
  • Brexit

    United Kingdom by a referendum
  • UK leaves de EU

    UK leaves de EU