Timeline Esperanza Palechor

  • Period: 450 to 1066


    It began when the Romans withdrew from Britain. William of Normandy begins his reign. The Norman conquest of England in 1066 greatly influenced the evolution of the language. It ended with the Norman Invasion of 1066. Then French language became the language of the educated classes. Beowful begins the traditional canon of English literature. Other important work of this period is The dream of the Rood, The material of the Eddas, taking shape in Iceland.
  • 1066

    The Norman conquest of England

    The Norman conquest of England
    The Norman conquest of England in 1066 greatly influenced the evolution of the language.
  • Period: 1066 to 1500


    It was consolidation as written language and a shift to secular writing and had expand the vocabulary.
    The “Canterbury Tales” is usually considered the first great works of English literature and the first demonstration of the artistic legitimacy of vernacular Middle English, as opposed to French or Latin.
    The Norman dialects of the ruling classes mixed with the Anglo-Saxon of the people and became Anglo-Norman, and Anglo-Saxon underwent a gradual transition into Middle English.
  • 1380

    “Canterbury Tales”

    “Canterbury Tales”
    Geoffrey Chaucer began writing his famous “Canterbury Tales” in the early 1380s, and crucially he chose to write it in English.
    Other important works were written in English around the same time, if not earlier, including William Langland’s “Piers Plowman” and the anonymous “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”. But the “Canterbury Tales” is usually considered the first great works of English literature
  • Period: to

    18th CENTURY

    It had a very good essayist and satirists.
    It characterized comedies, tragedies, histories.
    Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift.
    John Milton “Paradise lost”
    The groundwork for the rise of the novel.
    English literature had changed out of all recog-nition from the subject taught in Scotland and in the dissenting academies at the end of this century.
  • Period: to


    It includes the love poems.
    It was characterized by stylistic experimentation and the questioning of traditional values .
    Also had importance by a very self conscious with a traditional ways of writing in poetry and prose fiction.
    Early modernist writers writing after world war I and that the fowolled, broke the implicit contract with the general public that artists were the reliable interpreters.
    Important contributions also were made by the Irish poet and playwright William Butler.
  • William Butler

    William Butler
    William Butler Yeats was an Irish poet and dramatist. Wrapped in a halo of mysticism, he was one of the most representative figures of the Irish literary renaissance and one of the founders of the Abbey Theater. He also served as a senator. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923.
  • Period: to


    It was characterized by narrative techniques, It emerged in the post war II era. The written are seen as an answer against dogmatic of enlightenment thinking. The post moderns writers are seen as reacting against the precepts of modernism.
    In the 1960s that began in the nature of literary studies began which remains the context in which English Literature is taught in universities today.
    Michael frayn’s play Copenhagen dramatizes the visit of werner Heisenberg to Niels Bohr in wartime Denmark.
  • English Literature in universities

    English Literature in universities
    In the 1960s that began in the nature of literary studies began which remains the context in which English Literature is taught in universities today.
  • Period: to


    It was an artistic literary and intellectual movement. Authors wrote about life, love and nature. Among the earliest Romantics were the Lake Poets, a small group of friends, including William Wordsworth , Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey. However, at the time Walter Scott was the most famous poet.The Romantic period was one of major social change in England, because of the depopulation of the countryside and the rapid development of overcrowded industrial cities.
  • His Dark materials.

    His Dark materials.
    The Amber spyglass completes Philip Pullman´s trilogy, His Dark materials.
    It is a set against the dreaming spires of Jordan College and the dangerous wilderness of the frozen north, Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy offers an intoxicating blend of imagination, science, theology and adventure.