Timeline Egypt

  • Period: 3100 BCE to 2700 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Egypt grows in every way: economy, art, architecture, religion, territorial expansion, etc. The funerary architecture envolves with the appearance of the pyramid. Egyptians grew more food than they needed to trade their product.
  • Period: 2700 BCE to 2050 BCE

    First intermediate period

    The rise of power to the nomachs. Important changes in mentality and literary espression, religion and society. Period characterised: foreig invasion and civil war.
  • Period: 2050 BCE to 1 BCE

    Middle kingdom

    The middle kingdom comprises Dynasties XI and XII. Appearance of representations of the god Osiris whith the image of Pharaoh. The sphinxes appear.
  • Period: 1356 BCE to 612 BCE

    New kingdom

    With the XVIII Dynasty begins the New Empire, the most important and glorious time of the history of Egypt. It begins with the expulsion of the Hyksos and the reunification of the country. The painting and the relief decorate the walls of the temples and the tombs, narrating the life of the country.
  • Period: 1 BCE to 1580 BCE

    Second intermediate period

    The power was not under a single pharaoh and is characterized by the appearance in Egypt the Hyksos, From the XII dynasty there are evidences waves of nomadic tows. This period comprises Dynasties XIII to XVIII.