TImeline descriptions and pictures

  • 1825 Decemberist Revolt

    1825 Decemberist Revolt
    It is a small group of Nobles and army officers tried to overthrow. The Czar's government in 1825. The event executed 5 leaders.
  • Nicholas II becomes CZar of Russia

    Nicholas II becomes CZar of Russia
    Nicholas is the son of Alexander. From 1894 to 1917, the Czar of Russia was a Staunch defender of autocracy. 300 years later Nicholas II was Born.
  • The Russo-Japenese War

    The Russo-Japenese War
    In 1904 there was a conflict with Japan over Korea and Manchuria. Started the Russo-Japanese War.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    After bloody sunday many horrified Russians started the revolution of 1905. Soldiers shot at the marchers and many died.
  • World War 1 (Russian Revolvement)

    World War 1 (Russian Revolvement)
    Russia began to think that Germany was their main threat. Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy would team up if they were attacked by Russia or France.In 1907 Russia and France Joined with Great Britain to make the Triple Entente.
  • The March Revolution

    The March Revolution
    The revolution was focused on a Petrograd which is now known as St. Petersburg. The Russian Government now owns the country and controls it.
  • 1917 Czar Nicholas II is forced to abdicate the Throne

    1917 Czar Nicholas II is forced to abdicate the Throne
    Czar Nicholas II is forced to abdicate the throne at the Petrograd insurgents. He was crowned on May 26, 1984. Nicholas was abdicated and Nicholas was going to be rescued.
  • Russian Civil War

    Russian Civil War
    Many rivals were being fought during this event. Allies were forming and the war was getting bigger.
  • Vladmir Lenin's Death

    Vladmir Lenin's Death
    Lenin's death was a horrible moment for many Russian people. Joeseph Stalin took over and was in Control of Russia. Lenin was so amazing they kept his bod in a tomb so people could come and make there prayers to him.