Timeline descriptions and pictures

  • Soviet Launch Sputnik

    After the launch, the U.S. Defense Department approved funding for another U.S. satellite project. It also prompted the creation of National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), passed by congress in 1958.
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  • Soviet Launch Sputnik

    Soviet Launch Sputnik
    Sputnik was the world’s first artificial satellite, which was 58 inches in diameter. This marked the beginning of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. space race. Sputnik caught the U.S. off-guard and caused fear among Americans that the Soviet’s would use satellites to launch missiles carrying nuclear weapons.
  • Nikita Khrushchev visits U.S.

    Nikita Khrushchev visits U.S.
    During a calm time of the Cold War, Nikita Khrushchev became the first Soviet leader to visit the United States. For two weeks, filled with meetings with President Eisenhower, the two leaders had good intentions and sought to become friends for the sake of their powerful countries and the world. Khrushchev also wanted to become friendly with the American people in order for them to trust the Soviet Unions.
  • Nikita Khrushchev visits U.S.

    Although, Khurshchev’s time in America was more for goodwill purposes and forming a bond with America rather than actually negotiating anything. Overall, the visit helped relax tensions in the midst of the cold war, and moved the two countries in the right direction.
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  • The Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall
    The Berlin Wall was built not only to divide East and West Berlin, but prevent Eastern Germans from fleeing their Soviet-controlled side. It also was meant to keep the Western “fasict” and capitalist views out of the East. The wall was made out of 15 foot high concrete blocks with electric fence, barbed wire, and watch towers so it was almost impossible to cross over.
  • The Berlin Wall 2

    It became a symbol for the Cold War and the division of Europe, in this case literally, by the Allies and the Soviets. East Germany lost many skilled workers who escaped to the West which caused a decline in the economy.
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  • The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Treaty

    The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Treaty
    INF required the United States and the Soviet Union to eliminate and permanently forswear all nuclear and ground-launch ballistic and cruise missiles. This marked the first time the superpowers had agreed to reduce and eliminate their entire category of nuclear weapons and employ extensive on-site investigations for verification. Together, the U.S. and the Soviet Union destroyed a total of 2,692 missiles
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  • Germany Reunification/Fall of the Berlin Wall

    Germany Reunification/Fall of the Berlin Wall
    As political changes in Eastern Europe and communism began to fall, the Berlin Wall became close to getting taken down. Civil unrest in East Germany put pressure on the government to loosen their travel regulations to West Germany. When East German Gunter Schabowski announced that East Germans would be free to travel into West Germany, crowds quickly gathered at the wall.
  • Germany Reunification/Fall of the Berlin Wall

    East and West Germans came together to start chipping down the wall and celebrated the first step towards German reunification. Germany officially reunited on October 30, 1990, 11 months after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
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