
  • 1687

    Isaac Newton publishes "Principia Mathematica," outlining his laws of motion and universal gravitation.
  • 1748

    Montesquieu publishes "The Spirit of the Laws"
  • 1755

    Voltaire publishes "Candide"
  • 1776

    American Declaration of Independence
  • 1789

    Storming of Bastille
  • 1789

    John locke published "Two treaties on government"
  • 1792

    French Republic established
  • 1793

    Reign of Terror begins
  • 1795

    The Directory takes power
  • 1798

    The expedition to Egypt
  • 1799

    Napoleon takes power
  • 1799

    Napoleonic era begins
  • 1803

    The Musée Napoléon, the greatest museum in the world!
  • 1815

    Napoleon’s return to Paris
  • 1821

    Exile on the island of St. Helena