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english timeline
Sit down reads
When I was 4 my moms ex soccer coach used to bring me different books everyday. We always had a different book to read in either English and Spanish. I remember always being excited when it was close to 5 pm because it meant that i would get to read. -
Alphabet soup
I remember always playing with my alphabet soup and writing out my name and different words instead of eating, i always got in trouble because i would just play with it instead of eating it -
The start
I first realized my love for reading in elementary school when my teacher would assign silent reading time during class. I read countless Junie B. Jones -
For a while I lost my love for reading but then in English class in 7th grade we read a book as a class and I fell in love with books again. -
The outsiders
In 8th grade for English class we had to read The Outsiders and I remember half of my class, including myself, crying when one of the most beloved characters died. -
In freshman year I once again had silent reading time and for the first time I decided to pick up a romance book. I decided to read Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon and I fell in love with the genre. -
Sci-fi novel
Freshman year was also the first time I decided to read my first Sci-Fi novel. I read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline and I felt completely immersed in the story. -
self pleasure in reading
After reading Everything, Everything I decided I wanted to read another romance novel so I went to Barnes and Noble and bought By Your Side by Kasie West. That was the first time I willingly purchased a book that was for my own reading pleasure and not for an English assignment.