Treaty of Versailles signed
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1st Radio Newscast
Detriot, 1920 the first newscast in the world was made. The channel was WWJ, The owner of the station was CBS, this was one of the best things to happen to the world. News around the world could be spread faster then just printig paper, no need to have papers printed. You can report news as it is happeneing. Instread of having the news reported on the day afterwards. -
Television was Invented
In June of 1925 John Baird created the television. At the time there were only a few channels and it was only black and white. But over time it progressed greatly, now there are thousands of channels and it is almost life like colors. Most people in the world have watched a television and gotten some type of news update from it. This is one of the most influencial inventions the world has seen so far. -
Antibiotics were discovered
Anitiobiotics were one of the best things scientists could have discovered. Alexander Fleming diccovered the chemical compound penicillin. This was a huge discovery in the world of medicine. Now doctors could reallyfight infections of the body instead of just hoping htey would clear up. People now had a better chance at survival of illness all over the world -
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Also called the Paris Pact. is an agreement signed in 1928 where countries agreed to not go to war against one another. This was signed by Germany, United States, and France. It Stated that they would not use war to resolve "disputes or conflicts of whatever nature or of whatever origin they may be, which may arise among them." This had a major impact on the world because between these three countries they believed that war was not going to happen again but in reality it would. -
Iron Lung Invented
Electron Microscope Invented
Ballpoint Pen Invented
It was also called "Night of the Broken Glass." The German Reich palnned an attack on the Jews of Germany. This all started when a 17 year old jew shaot and killed a member of teh German Embessay. That night anyone who was behind the Nazi movement vandalized anything that was remotely Jewish. After this happened all people were scared in Germany of what the Nazis were capable of. The whole world was frightned. -
Non-Agression pact is sighned
Russia and Germany suprised the world by signing teh Non-Agression Act. This meant that they would have no military action against eachother within the next 10 years. Stalin thought this would be a very safe thing for his country to do. If they participated in the war it would be devestating to their economy. -
Germany invades Poland
Helicopter was invented