Dr. John Pemberton Created the Coca Cola Formula
The formula for Coca Cola is created by the pharmacist Pemberton, who first sells the beverage at Jacob´s Pharmacy in Atlanta for 5 cents a glass. -
Coca Cola syrup and extract
Pemberton registrers that with the U.S Patent Office to protect the formula form being discovered or imitated -
Sold Out in every territory of the USA
Candler proclaims Coca Cola is sold and consumed in whole USA -
Secret Formula protected
The secret formula is made in a triangular shaped room secured with combination lock, atlanta. -
the contour bottle
the prototype is designed by Alexander Samuelson. it becomes the standard bottle -
Face of Olympic Games
the company begins its long term association with the Olympic games -
Coke to the military regardeless of coast
Robert Woodruff pledges to provide coke during the war. 64 portable bottling plants are sent to Asia, europe and north Africa -
Steel 12 ounce cans
are introduced to help make Coca Cola more portable -
2 litre plastic bottles
the first 2 litre plastic bottle was born -
125 years!!
COCA COLA celebrates 125 years of refreshing the world