Timeline Coca Cola

  • Dr. John Pemberton Created the Coca Cola Formula

    Dr. John Pemberton Created the Coca Cola Formula
    The formula for Coca Cola is created by the pharmacist Pemberton, who first sells the beverage at Jacob´s Pharmacy in Atlanta for 5 cents a glass.
  • Coca Cola syrup and extract

    Coca Cola syrup and extract
    Pemberton registrers that with the U.S Patent Office to protect the formula form being discovered or imitated
  • Sold Out in every territory of the USA

    Sold Out in every territory of the USA
    Candler proclaims Coca Cola is sold and consumed in whole USA
  • Secret Formula protected

    Secret Formula protected
    The secret formula is made in a triangular shaped room secured with combination lock, atlanta.
  • the contour bottle

    the contour bottle
    the prototype is designed by Alexander Samuelson. it becomes the standard bottle
  • Face of Olympic Games

    Face of Olympic Games
    the company begins its long term association with the Olympic games
  • Coke to the military regardeless of coast

    Coke to the military regardeless of coast
    Robert Woodruff pledges to provide coke during the war. 64 portable bottling plants are sent to Asia, europe and north Africa
  • Steel 12 ounce cans

    Steel 12 ounce cans
    are introduced to help make Coca Cola more portable
  • 2 litre plastic bottles

    2 litre plastic bottles
    the first 2 litre plastic bottle was born
  • 125 years!!

    125 years!!
    COCA COLA celebrates 125 years of refreshing the world