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Timeline childhood history

  • 600 BCE


    Children were once considered the property of their parents. Like any other object, they can decide your life. It's common to see some children as a burden to get rid of. In ancient times, many excuses were used to allow adults to use the life of a baby as they wished.
  • 300

    Children as sexual partners

    Children as sexual partners
    The participation of children in orgies was normal in ancient Rome. Teenagers were used as sexual partners for high-ranking soldiers. His dignity was not respected.
  • 700

    Abandoned child

    Abandoned child
    Infanticide was considered a terrible act, but parents could still dispose of children. Most chose to give up as a roundabout way to get rid of them. The children were sold or used as other items.
  • 800

    Smaller man

    Smaller man
    All children, except kings, were servants of their own household or of others. The killing of legitimate children slowly decreased, but the killing of illegitimate children continued. Growing up in Rome meant enduring back-to-back sex
  • 1300

    Middle age

    Middle age
    In the Middle Ages, parents begin to understand the importance of raising children, but they are worried that children will be sent to kindergartens, monasteries or even the workplace or just to other families. Childhood is seen simply as a step before adulthood and a way of providing for offspring and future generations. Parents use harsh methods to prepare them for adulthood and see childhood as an obstacle
  • 1420

    Chil development

    Chil development
    There began to be a control in child abuse
  • John Locke education

    John Locke education
    Children are neither good nor bad, their behavior and education will determine their future life
  • Industrial revolution

    Industrial revolution
    With investment in factories, the use of child labor has dramatically decreased. Children begin to have more of their own free time and begin to establish their role in society. The relationship between parents and children is also stronger.
  • The rights of the child

    The rights of the child
    In the mid-nineteenth century, the idea of ​​special protection for children arose in France; it helped to gradually develop the rights of the child. Since 1841 the law monopolized child labor and since 1881 the French system guaranteed the right of children to education
  • Children expressing

    Children expressing
    Parents and educators encourage children to express their individuality in creative play. At the same time, the increasing mechanization of wartime made toy production creative, rich, and profitable.

    The UNCRC Committee on the Rights of the Child has attached two treaties, one of which requires the government to ensure that children under the age of 18 are not forcibly recruited. The second part calls on countries to ban child prostitution, child pornography, and the sale of children into slavery.