
  • Nationalism.

    We've had this since we were created as a country, but The War of 1812 was a huge factor in propelling it. This is responsible for our expansion. We wanted America to be powerful, and it worked pretty well. We wanted land, so we took it from those who we could without consequences. 2.This built America into what it is now. A superpower.
  • Indian Removal Act is passed by president Jackson.

    1. It allowed people to settle west of the Mississippi River. This was a big piece of Manifest Destiny, being the trackway for its creation. It's the entire reason we allowed ourselves to move west legally. 2. It hit Native Americans hard, and nothing worked to appeal to the U.S. The main reason why Native Americans lost approximately 90% of their population was colonization.
  • The Mexican American War/ Getting Texas into the union.

    The Mexican American War/ Getting Texas into the union.
    The Mex-Am War led to getting Texas into the union. 1. Getting the large section that Texas was let more people go west, due to the larger route formerly blocked by Spain. A large piece of Manifest Destiny to some, it being a sign America could use force and get more land. 2. We annexed Texas, and Mexico seceded from the US, gaining us the modern day lower west coast states like Arizona, New Mexico, and California.
  • The Gold Rush.

    1. A large amount of gold was found around modern-day California, bringing thousands of people to the area. The estimate is approximately 300,000 49's migrated to the area, moving west for easy riches. 2. This is a large reason why that area had large permanent populations in the 1800's.