
  • Smallpox vaccine

    Smallpox vaccine
    The small pox vaccine created by Edward Jenner was the first ever vaccine to be created. The vaccine paved the way for many new and improved vaccines the save lives every day.
  • The maiden voyage of the steamboat Clermont

    The maiden voyage of the steamboat Clermont
    This voyage was the first to take paying people up the Hudson River to Albany, New York.
  • The Lehigh Canal

    The Lehigh Canal
    The Lehigh river was created to transport things from one side to the other Although the canal was used to transport a variety of products, its most significant cargoes were anthracite coal and pig iron.
  • The Telegraph and Morse code

    The Telegraph and Morse code
    They created mores code and the Telegraph for that main reason that before that people had to write on paper and send with a bird with mores code people could send electromagnetic waves to people if they wanted to communicate. it made things a lot easier
  • The Transcontinental railroad

    The Transcontinental railroad
    The first Transcontinental railroad was used to connect Council Bluffs, Iowa, with the San Francisco Bay and revolutionize transport in the U.S
  • X-ray machine

    X-ray machine
    The x-ray machine made viewing the bones of people easier and safer. It revolutionized medical practice and saved many lives.
  • The Wright brothers flyer

    The Wright brothers flyer
    The flyer designed and built by the Wright brothers, was that starting point for air travel making transportation faster and easier.
  • Television

    The television was created for the purpose for people to watch shows with sound and and image before that people only used radios with no image. over time the TV got better adding color and more detail for a better experience.
  • The Pennsylvania turnpike

    The Pennsylvania turnpike
    The turnpike opened for business on October 1, 1940, it stretched 160 miles from Carlisle to Irwin. The highway was the first "superhighway" to be built, it allowed many drivers to drive on it which made transport more efficient.
  • The first transistor

    The first transistor
    The first transistor created by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Houser Brattain. Is a semiconductor made to replace vacuum tubes. Transistors work much faster and are much smaller making almost all electronics more reliable and user friendly.
  • picture phone

    picture phone
    was the first video calling app that allowed you to see people real time and cummunicate. this made talking easier and safer seeing the person
  • Apollo 11 landing

    Apollo 11 landing
    The landing of the Apollo 11, gave the people inspiration to start space travel, and it allowed people to thrive to land on other distant plants. it also gave the ability to send things to the moon and back or vice versa
  • The world wide web

    The world wide web
    The world wide web was created originally as a sharing platform, but soon turned into the home of all websites.
  • Amazon

    Originally created as an online book store, by Jeff Bezos. Now it's a multi mullion dollar business. Amazon made buying and ordering items faster and easier.
  • Myspace

    Myspace was created in the early 2000s. Myspace was the most popular online social media from 2005-2008. What Myspace is, it is a social media app where people could talk and post images on the internet were family and friends could see and enjoy. it was created for pleasure and fun.
  • IPhone

    The Iphone's a cell phone that revolutionized the phone, by adding so many features such as an easier to use interface, it gave users "the internet in their pockets", and made communication better.