block 1 kandolph kaylee 2018

  • Period: 1096 to 1291

    crusades are Fought

    It was a holy war between the christens and Muslims.
    the christens were unsuccessful to reclaim palistin.
    The crusades weren't a successful campaign but they extended trade routes.
  • 1300

    Black Death Begins in Europe

    Black Death Begins in Europe
    Killed 30-60% of Europe's population. Many people died because of the plague. It was cared by rats and insects around the world.
  • 1300

    The Renaissance Begins

    The Renaissance Begins
    Many people wanted individual accomplishment, humanism/individualism. It brought us compelling arms with artists Michelangelo an de vinci. It started in Italy.
  • 1337

    100 Year War Begins

    100 Year War Begins
    It was a long struggle between England and France.
    The war was over the succession of the France throne.
    It lasted 116 years.
  • Period: 1405 to 1433

    Zheng He's Voyages

    a purpose was to maintain stable relations with countries overseas.
    another purpose was to was to destroy the pirates to clear the seaway.
    he led China to become the superpower of the Indian Ocean
  • 1431

    Joan of Arc Burned at the stake

    Joan of Arc Burned at the stake
    She was 19 when this happened.
    The English did this to her.
    She was a devoted saint of god.
  • 1440

    Johannes Gutenberg printing press

    Johannes Gutenberg printing press
    Information was spread quicker.
    More people could read.
    People had bibles.
  • 1453

    Fall of Constantinople

    Fall of Constantinople
    The Ottoman army invaded to captor the capital of Byzantine.
    The ottoman army used cannons to destroy the walls.
    It lasted about 13 days.
  • 1478

    Start of the Spanish Inquisition

    Start of the Spanish Inquisition
    there was a desire for religious unity.
    driving out Jews, Protestants and other non-believers was a main goal.
    they wanted to purify people.
  • Period: 1491 to 1547

    King Henry VIII Reign

    He had 6 wives.
    He was king of England until he died.
    He wanted a son so he kept trying to have one with different women.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus Lands in the New World

    Christopher Columbus Lands in the New World
    He made four total voyages to the new world.
    Columbus first 2 voyages didn't make it to the Americas, but his third did.
    John Cabot was the first to get to the Americas though.
  • Period: 1492 to 1492

    Columbian exchange

    This brought wide variety of new crops, diseases, and livestock.
    This was caused because of the discovery of Christoper Columbus.
    The population increased.
  • 1506

    Mona Lisa Completed 1506

    Mona Lisa Completed 1506
    This was painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
    This painting was done by using different painting techniques.
    it was started around 1503 and finished 1506.
  • 1508

    Michelangelo begins painting the Sistine Chapel

    Michelangelo begins painting the Sistine Chapel
    The Sistine chapel is a ceiling painting.
    It took four years to complete this painting.
    The Sistine Chapel is a cornerstone work of high Renaissance art.
  • 1514

    Battle of chaldiran

    Battle of chaldiran
    Ottoman empire won.
    It was against the Ottoman and Safavid.
    Ottomans annexed eastern Anatolia and northern Iraq from Safavid Iran
  • 1517

    Martin Luther post 95 Theses

    Martin Luther post 95 Theses
    It was wrote in Latin so the priests and the wealthy would read it.
    It was a formal complaint to the church. It was nailed to the doors of the church.
  • 1519

    Cortez Defeats Aztecs

    Cortez Defeats Aztecs
    It was a Spanish conquest.
    Diseases had killed most of the Aztecs.
    Cortez and his solders had captured and controlled the emperor of the Aztecs.
  • Period: 1520 to 1566

    Sultan Suleyman Reign

    His reign was the longest of any of the sultans of that empire.
    One of the most famous of the sultans of the Ottoman Empire.
    He did many good things for everyone.
  • 1521

    Cortez Conquers the azrecs

    Cortez Conquers the azrecs
    A land mark victory for the Europeans.
    The Spanish arrived in mexico and a huge battle happened between Cortes' army.
    Cortes and his army conquered the Aztecs that were way larger in population.
  • 1532

    "The Prince"

    "The Prince"
    It was written by Niccolo Machiavelli.
    It was originally wrote in Italian.
    wrote about how to act with a strong metal fist.
  • Period: 1533 to

    Queen Elizabeth's Reign

    She was a queen from Ireland. The Virgin Queen, Elizabeth was the last of the five monarchs of the house of the Tudors. She was also the daughter of the Henry vlll
  • Period: 1545 to 1563

    counter reformation

    Protestant groups develop.
    Church leaders reformed the Catholic Church.
    Anti-Semitism increased and religious conflicts spread across Europe.
  • Period: to

    slave trade

    slave trade involved the transportation by the slave trades of enslaved African people. It was mainly to the Americans. The slave trade regularly used the triangular trad system/route and the middle passage was the part where slaves were shipped to the Americas.
  • Period: to

    Era of the Samurai

    Warriors of Japan made up the ruling of the military class. it eventually became the highest ranking social caste of the Edo. they have a code of honor which are the word "the way" which the Japanese say.
  • William Shakespeare's Death

    William Shakespeare's Death
    He died when he was 52 but it is a mystery how he did.
    His exact date of death is a mystery.
    He left his wife the the second best bed and his daughter money.
  • Taj Mahal completed

    Taj Mahal completed
    it was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.
    It was in memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal.
    construction started in 1632.
  • Lord George MaCartney Expelled

    Lord George MaCartney Expelled
    He was a British statesman colonial administrator and diplomat.
    He led the endeavor.
    had a mission which was the first diplomat mission in china.
  • Period: to

    Opium War

    This was 2 wars.
    It was between china and the British Empire.
    It was over British trade of opium and China's sovereignty.