the black american dream

  • 1440

    Beginning of slavery

  • 1492

    Arrival of Christopher Colomb in the USA

    Arrival of Christopher Colomb in the USA
  • Slavery is a reality in USA

    Slavery is a reality in USA
  • Vermont abolishes slavery

  • Pennsylvania abolishes slavery

  • Massachusetts abolishes slavery

  • Abolition of trafficking in USA

    Abolition of trafficking in USA
    At the end of a powerful movement of opinion influenced by philanthropists, the British Parliament abolished in 1807 the slave trade, at the very moment when this activity was made very lucrative by the rise of the sugar production of the British colonies to Antilles. This prohibition comes into force in 1808
  • Period: to

    American Civil War

    The Civil War, more commonly known in North America as "Civil War", tore the United States apart for 4 years and killed 617,000 combatants, far more than any other war that involved the country, including the two world wars. It ended with the abolition of slavery, the consolidation of American institutions ... and the ruin of the South
  • Abraham Lincoln

    Abraham Lincoln
    n 1863, after the abolition of slavery in the United States by Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth president of the United States, he held important political positions and campaigned for the adoption of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution ( respectively the abolition of slavery, the definition of citizenship and the prohibition of the denial of the right to vote based on race and color). he is assassigneted in 1865
  • Abolition of slavery in USA

    Abolition of slavery in  USA
    The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution takes effect on December 18, 1865. "Neither slavery nor any form of involuntary servitude may exist in the United States or in any place under their jurisdiction."
  • Founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

    Founding of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
    NAACP is an American civil rights organization. It was founded in 1909 from the Niagara Movement, which was established in 1905 by W. E. B. Du Bois
  • Period: to

    Civil rights movement

    the civil rights movement refers to the American movement which aimed to establish a real equality of civil rights for black Americans by abolishing legislation establishing racial segregation. Protestant pastor Martin Luther King, apostle of non-violence, became one of the most famous figures
  • Death of Martin Luther King Jr

    Death of Martin Luther King Jr
    Martin Luther King Jr., born in Atlanta on January 15, 1929 and murdered on April 4, 1968 in Memphis, is an African-American Baptist pastor, non-violent activist for black civil rights in the United States, for peace and against poverty
  • Riots in Los Angeles

    Riots in Los Angeles
    The 1992 Los Angeles riots began in Los Angeles on April 29, 1992, after a jury of ten whites, an Asian and a Latino acquitted four white police officers accused of beating a black motorist. American, Rodney King, after a speeding suit. Hundreds of Los Angeles residents, mostly young African American and Latino men, have been involved in looting, arson and murder
  • Election of first mixed race president

    Election of first mixed race president
    Barack Obama is elected