TIMELINE BIOLOGY - Nunui Rautiainen Colás

  • 334 BCE

    Aristotle (4th Century BCE)

    Aristotle (4th Century BCE)
    Proposed that life could spontaneously arise from non-living matter like mud or decaying material.
  • Francesco Redi (1668)

    Francesco Redi (1668)
    Demonstrated that maggots in meat come from flies, not spontaneous generation, by using jars with different coverings.
  • John Needham (1745)

    John Needham (1745)
    Claimed spontaneous generation for microorganisms after boiling broth and sealing it, but his methods were flawed.
  • Lazzaro Spallanzani (1768)

    Lazzaro Spallanzani (1768)
    Disproved Needham’s conclusions by boiling broth for longer and sealing flasks; no microorganisms grew unless the seal was broken.
  • Louis Pasteur (1861)

    Louis Pasteur (1861)
    Used swan-neck flasks to prove that microorganisms come from airborne particles, not spontaneous generation.