13,500 BCE
Universe's formation
Big Bang takes place. -
4500 BCE
Earth's Formation
4000 BCE
First organic molecules
3000 BCE
Life appears
First prokaryotic cells appear -
1800 BCE
Oxygen in the air
Thanks to the stromatolytes (prokaryotic cells) that were photosynthetic. -
1400 BCE
First eukaryotic cells
First eukaryotic cells appear thanks to the oxygen in the air. -
600 BCE
Multicellular organisms
First multicellular organisms appear, that will give the species to create the diversity. -
550 BCE
First invertebrates
500 BCE
First vertebrates
First vertebrates appear, thanks to the multicellular organisms, the diversity is taking shape. -
200 BCE
Dinosaurs and mammals coexist
66 BCE
Cretacous extinction
Three quarters of the diversity in earth get extinct. -