1968 BCE
The My Lai Massacre
This massacre was escalation between people outside of the war because them just hearing and being around it drove them insane. So what happened was that a man pulled a gun and shoot a women with a baby and then commited suicide but at first he was shooting at a large group of people. -
North Vietnam
North Vietnam started to isolate into South Vietnam. Which caused the escalation of the war which essentially lead to the Domino theory which is when one country falls it will make the rest of the countries fall. -
Napalm was a tactic the United States used to clear vietnamese troops out of an area. By burning them sense the Vietnamese would try and hide from planes so the United States couldn't see them and jump our troops so this was how we resolved the issue. -
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident
On August 2 they there was supposedly an incident with the North Vietnamese when in reality the incident happened on August 4 with the North Vietnamese. -
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
LBJ heard about the Gulf of Tonkin Incident and congress gave that into consideration so they presented a document to the President. The Document later than was signed 3 days after LBJ approved of the document resolving the Gulf of tonkin incident -
Body Counts
Although troops would often hide we knew we had to come out with a new method of realizing how many there really were. So we thought of Body counts which is we count how many people were killed by the United States forces. -
Search and Destroy Missions
Search and Destroy missions were essentially a stealth mission. They would essentially hunt down Vietcong troops in certain areas and kill them off. After they would kill them all they would leave or
burn the area like nothing happened. -
Operation Rolling Thunder
After JFK's assassination and LBJ came into Presidency LBJ order an attack on the Vietcong. This attack was a type of revenge that the U.S. wanted to put on the Vietcong to Frighten them. -
Arrival of U.S. Troops
This marks the Freightening of Vietcong. We started to bring troops into South Vietnam. They were frightened because they didn't realize what all we had. -
American Support for Vietnam
Many people were involved in the war which resolved in an escalation in fear for the Viet Cong. While some people were not okay with war were some are stuck between because they realize what is going on in the war.