
Events that made America how it is today

  • Mayflower compact

    Mayflower compact
    Separatists signed a document asking the king of England to stop killing people because of religious reasons. This made America have freedom of religion
  • Give me freedom or give me death speech

    Give me freedom or give me death speech
    Patrick Henry gave a speech to the Virginia convention in 1775. Back then they thought death was a personal freedom. This gave America liberty
  • Common sense document

    Common sense document
    Thomas Paine wrote a document telling people to fight against the British empire and gain independence. It influenced Thomas Jefferson to write a declaration of independence . This helped create America
  • US declares independence

    US declares independence
    The United States of America declared independence from the British. Thomas Jefferson wrote the document which is now kept in Washington DC. This is what created America
  • US constitution

    US constitution
    The US constitution is the supreme law of the US. It gave the people living there freedom and civil rights. It was written by the Philadelphia convention September 17 1787.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    Plessy vs Ferguson
    A court case requiring that segregated public facilities are separate but equal. This court case was because Homer Plessy boarded a white only train car.
  • Ellis island

    Ellis island
    An Immigrant station that opened in 1900. It was the busiest immigration inspection stations from 1892 to 1954. This made America easier to go to.
  • Monkey Scopes trial

    Monkey Scopes trial
    John Scopes, a high school teacher substitute, was accused of teaching human evolution to his students, breaking a state law. Scopes was fined 100$ (1,345 2014 USD) this made America improve its education. the man in the image is John Scopes
  • Four freedoms

    Four freedoms
    President Franklin Roosevelt gave a speech saying that every country in the world should have the following freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.
  • Attack on pearl harbor

    Attack on pearl harbor
    The empire of Japan launched a surprise attack on the US. the Japanese bombed Pearl harbor sinking several battle ships. the next day president Franklin Roosevelt gave a famous speech, declaring war on Japan. however, conspiracy theorists say the US government knew Japan was going to attack and left its airplane carriers in California. this made patriotism in Americans. USS Arizona is in the image.
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    This is a famous court case in which segregation in schools was made illegal. this overturned Plessy vs Ferguson. This was a major victory for the civil rights movement. This stoped segregation in America
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Little Rock Nine is a group of African American students enrolled in Little Rock Central High School. they were the first African Americans to graduate from Little Rock Central High School
  • 9/11 attacks

    9/11 attacks
    Terrorists hijacked 4 airplanes in an attack against the US. American Airlines flight 11, heading to California, was hijacked and it flew into the North tower of the twin towers. United Airlines flight 175 crashed into the South tower. American Airline flight 77 crashed into the pentagon. United Airlines crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers fought against the hijackers. This made America declare war on terror and made Americans feel patriotic.
  • President Obama's inauguration

    President Obama's inauguration
    This set the record for most attendance in Washington DC's history. This was the most viewed presidential inauguration in history. it had as many viewers as the opening of the 2008 Summer Olympics. this broke records and made Barack Obama the 44th president of the USA.