1500 BCE
Egyptians discover medical use for opium
End of 18th century- Morphine developed
German scientist pours ammonia over opium and obtains an alkaloid later named morphine -
First Opium War
Between China and Britain
China destroyed all opium awaiting offloading -
China forced to pay Britain $18 million for destroying opium in seize
Morphine available without prescription / Merck produces small amounts of cocaine to be used for medical purposes
Second Opium War
Balance of payments favored China -
British chemist developes Heroin though not named until later when Bayer produced it
Native Races Act
prohibiting sale of alcohol and opium to "aboriginal tribes and uncivilized races" -
Barbituates marketed as sleep aid
Pure Food and Drug Act passed
developed to regulate food and drugs -
Harrison Act
those dealing in heroin forced to pay tax on it -
Maintenance morphine given to addicts
Narcotic clinics opened
Drugclinics closed; Congress prohibits importation of cocaine/ coca plants
Ban on heroin in U.S.
Every state restricts sale of cocaine and opiates
Amphetamines marketed as nasal decongestant
Marijuana Tax Act
large taxes placed on cannibis -
Narcotic Control Act
increasing penalties for drug violations -
1960's- Tranquilizers, sedatives, LSD, heroin, cocaine and marihjuana use increases
Narcotic Addict Rehabilitation Act
in lieu of jail sentences, defendants were mandated to post-hospitalization care programs -
Drug rehabilitation programs increased -
Comprehensive Drug Use Prevention and Control Act
schedules placed for controlled substances -
Restrictions placed on amphetamines
Marijuana for personal use decriminalized
DEA formed
1980's- Crack cocaine introduced; President Regan imposes Just Say No campaign
1990's- Methamphetamine use increases