Timeline Assignment 1530-1650

  • 1525


    Smallpox arrives in Mexico
  • Period: 1528 to 1536

    Exploration (Spain)

    Cabeza De Vaca journeys through Mexico, at and against his own will.
  • Period: 1534 to 1535

    Exploration (France)

    Jaques Cartier explores the St. Lawrence river / Canada
  • Period: 1539 to 1543

    Exploration (Spain)

    Hernando De Soto explores Southeast North America covering modern day Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Texas. Creates animosity between Indigenous and Europeans. / US
  • 1546


    Typhus breaks out in Mexico
  • 1556

    Colony (Spain)

    Santa Elana colony founded / South Carolina
  • 1558


    Influenza and Smallpox breakout/ SA/Mexico
  • Period: to

    Colony (England)

    1st and 2nd attempts at establishing the Roanoke Colony. / North Carolina
  • Colony (Spain)

    Santa Elana Colony fails / South Carolina
  • Period: to

    Exploration (France)

    Samuel Champlain Explores the Atlantic coastline of northern North America
  • Exploration(England)

    The Virginia Company was granted a charter
  • Colony (England)

    The Virginia Company attempts 1st colony effort at Jamestown / Virginia
  • Colony (France)

    Samuel De Champlain founds Quebec/ New France
  • Disease

    Diphtheria break out / SA/Mexico
  • Disease

    Measles breakout/ SA/Mexico
  • Colony (English)

    Puritans land in Plymouth. / New England
  • Colony(England)

    Virginia Company's charter is revoked by King James, and Jamestown becomes a royal colony. / Virginia
  • Colony (Dutch)

    Dutch sign a treaty with the Pequot to allow trade at the House of Good Hope and allowed them to stay in the land of Hartford. / New England
  • Period: to


    Jesuit Paul Le Jeune travels with Algonquins / Canada (New France)
  • Confrontation (England)

    Englishman John Stone is killed by an band of Indigenous people after holding natives captive. / New England
  • Colony (Enlgand)

    John Oldham killed by an Indigenous band, Puritans demand retribution from Pequot despite knowing their lack of involvement.
  • Missionary (France)

    Jean De Brebeuf spends an extended period of time with the Huron / New France
  • Disease

    Huron suffer a smallpox outbreak/ New France
  • Period: to

    War (England)

    English Settlers from Mass. Bay and Connecticut Colony along with Indigenous allies go to war against the Pequot people. / New England
  • Disease

    Huron suffer a Flu outbreak/ New France
  • Missionary (France)

    Jean De Brebeuf and Huron Band killed by Iroquois. / Canada