Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was about admitting Missouri as a slave state and Main as a free state. Also prohibited slavery in the Louisiana territory north of the 36d 30 latude line. -
Wilmot Proviso
David Wilmot introduced an adment to the billstialating that one of the territory acquiredin the mexican war should be open to slavery. -
California Statehood
California became the 31st state free of slavery. -
Fugitive Slave Law
The law stated that in the future any federal marshal who did not arrest an alleged runaway slave could be fined $1,000. And a black slave could notask for a jury trial nor testify on his or her behalf. Frederick Douglass,Wendell Phillips,William Lloyd Garrson were men who tryed to put a stop to the fugitive slave law. -
Uncle Tom's Cabbin published
It was a anti-slavery noval by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe this novle "helped lay the ground work for the civil war" it was the best selling novel of the 19th centry. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
In January 1854, Senator Stephen Douglas introduced a bill that divided the land west of Missouri into two territories, Kansas and Nebraska. He argued for popular sovereignty, which would allow the settlers of the new territories to decide if slavery would be legal there. Antislavery supporters were outraged because, under the terms of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, slavery would have been outlawed in both territories. After months of debate, the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed on May 30, 1854. -
Onsted Manifesto
The Ostend Manifesto was a document written in 1854 that described the rationale for the United States to purchase Cuba from Spain while implying that the U.S. should declare war if Spain refused. Cuba's annexation had long been a goal of U.S. expansionists, particularly as the U.S. set its sights southward following the admission of California to the Union. Pierre Soulé, the driving force behind the Ostend Manifesto -
John Brown invades Pottawatomie, Kansas
The Pottawatomie Massacre occurred during the night of May 24 and the morning of May 25, 1856. In reaction to the sacking of Lawrence, Kansas by pro-slavery forces, John Brown,his sons and a band of abolitionist settlers and some runaway salves killed five settlers north of Pottawatomie Creek in Franklin County, Kansas. -
Dred Scott Decision
Any person descended from Africa, whether slave or free, is not a citizen of the United States, according to the Constitution. They were considered property. The Ordinance of 1787 could not confer either freedom or citizenship within the Northwest Territory to non-white individuals. The provisions of the Act of 1820, known as the Missouri Compromise, were voided as a legislative act, since the act exceeded the powers of Congress. And if the slave was "free" thye could not be in a certian place. -
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Lincoln and Douglas were in the fight to get Campaign for a US senate seat from Illionois -
Harper's Ferry Raid
John Brown went into a town gun supliy case and he was trying to get guns for the slaves so that thet could help them to but that is were John Brown and his little groupe of people died including his son's. -
Aberham Lincoln elected President of the United States
The nation had been divided throughout the 1850s on questions surrounding the expansion of slavery and the rights of slave owners. In 1860, it finally came to a head. As a result of conflicting interests, the Democratic Party broke into Northern and Southern factions. A new Constitutional Union Party appeared. In the face of a divided country, the Republican Party, dominant in the North, secured enough electoral votes to put Abraham Lincoln in the White House with very little support from south -
South Carolina Secedes
The main reson why South Carolina seceded from the unoin was because Abraham Lincoln was elected for president. Also it was the first state to seced from the Union -
Fort Sumter attack
The bombardment and surrender of Fort Sumter, near Charleston, South Carolina, that started the American Civil War. Following declarations of secession by seven Southern states, South Carolina demanded that the U.S. Army abandon its facilities in Charleston Harbor. -
Charles Sumner Beaten
Book's savegely beat asenator into unconsclousness. But the inspiration for this came 3days earlier because Sumnerwas a antislavery person and was debating on weather Kansas should be admitted to the Union as a free or slave state. brooks slammed his metal toped cane on to the unsuspecting Sumners head. -
Raid on Lawrence, Kansas
The motivation for this attack was something that had been in the uion for a while-slavery. Because of the compromise of 1850 had stated that california would be admitted as a free state and established the fugitive slave law.