By ahn
  • 4000 BCE

    Neolithic immigrants

    Neolithic immigrants moved to Europe to live and improve their life situation, also cultivating the land.
  • 2000 BCE

    The celts.

    in this period the Celts also arrived in Britain and Ireland, developing their cultural and religious life
  • 700 BCE

    stabilization of the Celts

    the celts settled in britain dividing the country into many parts
  • 55 BCE

    exponential figure

    the arrival of Julius Caesar
  • 410

    Anglo saxon invaders.

    the Romans left the island defenseless from the invaders
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    a new document created specifically to diminish the power of society's greats, such as the barons.
  • 1400

    First war

    war with France, like centuries. This period is called black death.
  • 1485

    HENRY VII / henry VIII

    henry VII called himself henry tudor after winning a battle.
    his son became the King of the English Protestant church

    Elizabeth managed to create the kingdom that Britain is always proud of