
Timeline Activity History of the Profession

  • Morrill Act of 1862

    Morrill Act of 1862
    A significant act that was passed that forever changed the faces of colleges and universities in the United States.
    Land-grant universities, such as Pine Bluff and University of Arkansas, were to extend educational opportunities that promoted agricultural, industrial, and domestic economy, which was later known as home economics.
  • Ellen Swallow Richards

    Ellen Swallow Richards
    Dream of higher education. Ellen was admitted to Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York. In 1868, when Ellen Swallow entered Vassar, the 14th Amendment was adopted, giving African Americans the right to citizenship.
  • 1899 Lake Placid, New York

    Summer Conference where their goal was to define standards for teacher training and certification in the new field of home economics and establish a philosophical and theoretical foundation for the new discipline.
  • Period: to

    Progressive Era

    Forward thinkers called themselves Progressives.
    Effort to give women right to vote.
    Women working in factories & outside of the home more than before as men were drafted.
    Women's roles were elevated in home, family and community.
    Elevating women's roles in the home, family, and community shaped people's views of society and reform.
  • Smith-Lever Act of 1914

    Smith-Lever Act of 1914
    Established Cooperative Extension Service.
    Required land-grant colleges to establish Agricultural Experiment Station.