
  • Born in Markham and raised in Scarborough

    Born in Markham and raised in Scarborough
    On this day, my parents gave birth to me in Canada, which started my life as a Canadian citizen. Starting a family is considered a social norm since couples are expected to raise a family at a certain age.
  • started elementary school

    started elementary school
    I have entered elementary school and have started my education. I believe this is a norm since children don’t necessarily have to go to school, but it is expected in our type of society.
    -Elementary school is a social institution
  • Visited China for the first time

    Visited China for the first time
    When I visited China for the first time, I realized that China was very different from Canada. This experience showed me the difference between the lifestyle between Canada and China. I learned that their norms were different from ours.
  • Moved to Markham

    Moved to Markham
    During this time, I was really upset that I moved because this meant that this would distance me from friends. Furthermore, I learned that we moved because our family was not in the best financial position.
  • Started high school

    Started high school
    Starting high school was very similar to starting elementary school.
    -Transitioned from an elementary student to a high school student.
    Graduating high school and getting your diploma is another norm created by society.
    -High School is an institution
    -I experienced role strain because my role as a student was the work generated by being a student was difficult.
  • COVID-19

    COVID-19 is the global pandemic that changed how Canadians would live.
    Covid is happening only in our generation, thus is a cohort.
    Many institutions shut down because of the pandemic. For example, schools.
    Many people had to transition and take many precautions during the pandemic.
  • Entering college

    Entering college
    Going to college will influence my future job/career.
    -Going to college/university is another expectation that our society has for everyone.
    -College is also another educational institution.
    -Transitioned from high school to college.
    Additionally, I believe that I will be experiencing role strain because my duties as a student such as studying, exams, etc. will be hard. Furthermore, these tasks will result in role conflict because they will interfere with my roles as a brother, friend, etc.
  • visting the U.S

    visting the U.S
    I plan on visiting the U.S during the summer for vacation because it has always been on my bucket list.
  • first job

    first job
    After finishing college, I plan on going job hunting to find my first job. If successful, I will start earning my own money and get experience for future job opportunities. -People are expected to go job hunting and enter the workforce after college/university
    -I will transition from a student to a working adult.
  • Retirement

    After working for almost all of my life, I will retire at the age of “65” and live freely. Since I’m no longer working, I plan on living off Seniors Financial Assistance for the rest of my life. -People who reach the elderly age usually retire, but necessarily don’t have to.
    -I will transition from a working adult to a retired elderly.