
  • First Fleet

    Convicts of different religious traditions came from England
  • First Free Settlers and First Church

    the first free settlers began to arrive in this year and the first church was built by the Reverend Johnson
  • Samuel Marsden arrived in Sydney Cove

  • Irish rebelled against the English

    Many Irish people, most of whom were Roman Catholic, rebelled against the English occupation of their country. Many of these Irish rebels were sentenced to transportation, resulting in the increase of Irish Catholic convicts in the colony
  • Castle Hill Riots

    Led by William Johnston. One convict in the rebellion got scared and betrayed the group to the governor. The leaders of this rebellion were caught and executed. Other members of the rebellion were punished by enforced resettlement in Newcastle. They were obligated to attend the church of England religious services.
  • Samuel Marsden returned to England

    Made reports to the government on conditions in colony and its needs including; a proper asylum for women convicts
  • First Australian Jewish organisation established

  • John Joseph Terry

    Therry arrives with a mandate to minister the Catholics of the colony. Therry is the first priest to be allowed to come to minister the catholic community in 32 years.
  • Rev. John Dunmore Land arrives

  • Rev. William Grant Broughton Arrives