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By 090263
  • typewriters

    A typewriter is a mechanical or electromechanical machine for writing characters similar to those produced by printer's movable type. Typically, a typewriter has an array of keys, each of which causes a different single character to be produced on the paper by causing an inked ribbon to be struck against the paper by a type element similar to the sorts used in movable type letterpress printing.
  • film camera

    film camera
    served to take fhoto and record videos
  • telegraph and morse code

    telegraph and morse code
    served to commucate whith the people
  • vinyl record

    vinyl record
    Vinyl records may be scratched or warped if stored incorrectly but if they are not exposed to high heat, carelessly handled or broken, a vinyl record has the potential to last for centuries.
  • black and write T.V

    black and write T.V
    served to see programs
  • floppy disk

    floppy disk
    The floppy disk or floppy disk is a data storage medium of magnetic type, formed by a thin circular sheet (disk) of magnetizable and flexible material (hence its name), enclosed in a plastic, square or rectangular cover, which is used on the computer
  • music cassette

    music cassette
    cassette technology was originally designed for dictation machines, but improvements in fidelity led the Compact Cassette to supplant the Stereo 8-track cartridge and reel-to-reel tape recording in most non-professional applications. Its uses ranged from portable audio to home recording to data storage for early microcomputers
  • sony walkman

    sony walkman
    served to listen to music whith cassette
  • vhs cassette

    vhs cassette
    The VHS is physically similar to the audio system (cassette) only, but with the difference that the magnetic tape is much wider (½ inch) and the box or plastic cassette that contains it is larger