timeline (chinese history)

By emm1210
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    Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion was a civil war in Southern China that took the lives of about 20 million people, maily civilians
  • wuchang

    Wuchang Uprising
    11 Oct 1911 The people where not happy with the way the railroad crisis was handled so they rose up against the Qing officials. This ended the Qing Dynasty and began the Republic of China.
  • founding of the republic of china

    Yat-sen was president but soon gave the presidency to Yuan Shikai
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    Northern Expedition

    A military campaign, run by the Kuomintang party, that overthrew the Beijing government. They began a new government in Nanking.
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    Mukden Incident

    A Japanese leuitenant blew up some dynamite near a Japanese train track,
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    Long March

    the most famous was the march from Jiangxi to Shaanxi.
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    Second Sino-Japanese War

    The war was caused by Japan's constant want to control China in all aspects.
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    Nanking Massacre

    For six weeks they killed and raped Chinese women;
  • Seventeen Point Agreement with Tibet

    after the war with the Tibetan army, the Chinese asked Tibet to send representatives so that they could reach an agreement together.
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    Great Leap Forward

    purpose was to change China from an agricultural society to an industrial society.
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    Cultural Revolution

    marked the return of Mao Zedong as a political power,
  • May 16 Notification

    believes that there are people in their party that were opposed to communism.
  • People's Republic of China is admitted to the UN

    The People's Republic of China (PRC), commonly referred as China, was admitted into the UN in 1971. This was the 21st time there was a vote.
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    Nixon visits China

    trip gave Americans a look into China that they hadn't had in over 20 years.
  • Gang of Four Arrested

    They were arrested after Mao's death
  • One Child Policy Institute

    Officials made it law that families were only allowed one child
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    Tiananmen Square Protests

    a lot of Chinese people joined as the protests went on during this time period.
  • Building of Three Gorges Dam

    hydroelectric dam spans the length of the Yangtze River
  • Return of Hong Kong to China

    Great Britain returned Hong Kong lands back to the Chinese after a 99-year lease.
  • Hainan Island Incident

    a plane crash about 70 miles from the island of Hainan