
  • Jan 22, 1000

    Midevil Times

    People with exceptionalities were often tortured and abused. These people were often jesters that begged on the street. Others were put into idiot cages.
  • Early 19th Century

    The poplution of people with exceptionalities had started to grow. Here they were sheltered but not adequitly treated.
  • Later in the 19th Century

    Later in the 19th century people with exceptionallies were placed in prisions and asylums. Here they were treated poorly.
  • 1840's

    Dorthia Dixx lobbied in congress and other state legistators to improve the treatment of people with exceptionalities in prisions and asylums.
  • First institution built

    Schools and institutions were built for people with exceptionalities.
  • First state school

    Syarcuse State School for the Feeble Minded was built.
  • Eugenics

    This is the starilization of people with exceptionalities. This ended once people found out about what Hitler was doing overseas.
  • Willowbrook State School

    This school is considered one of the worst state schools for people for exceptionalities . They closed this school in 1987 due to such bad conditions and treatment of the people.
  • Mid to late 20th century

    Care facilities were opened and people with exceptionalities were steered away from instituions. Also the Special Olympics were born.