
  • 1400

    europeans gradually gained control of the americas

  • 1400

    technology inventions became available to European explores

  • 1492

    columbus sailed west from spain with three ships

  • 1493

    Columbus set out on another voyage to conquer the people from the new lands

  • 1494

    Spain and Portugal signed the treaty of tordesillias

  • 1497

    john cabot explored north american coasts of newfoundland and nova scotia

  • 1500

    spain continued to explore the Americas but it was still intereted in finding western route to asia

  • 1502

    another Italian explore Amerigo Vespucci became convinced that Columbus had discovered a "new world"

  • 1507

    early map makers labeled what is now the south Americas

  • 1524

    france sent giovanni da verrazano to find a northern route to asia

  • 1534

    the french navigator jacques cartier sailed inland along the st. Lawrence river

  • these countries renewed their overseas explorations