
By jacob.G
  • Congress of Racial Equality Founded

    Congress of Racial Equality Founded
    Civil Rights
    -a group of students called the Core and they were protesting at a coffee shop and more people helped
    -it insisted the desegergation to public facilities and turned its attention to the south
  • Dodgers hire Jackie Robinson

    Dodgers hire Jackie Robinson
    Color line
    -it ceperated whites from nonwhites
    -as baseball let jakie robbenson in other sports allowed blacks and the colar line was dissapering.
  • Executive Order 9981

    Executive Order 9981
    -there should equality and treatment for joining the armes for any race and equality
    -it became desegregation for a official policy in the armed forces.
  • Brown v. Board of Education Ruling

    Brown v. Board of Education Ruling
    Thurgood Marshall
    -parents tried to put there kids in a white school but denied administeration
    -argued about the case and put a black and white doll to see what they pick and they choosed the black doll
  • mountgumery bus

    mountgumery bus
    boycott rosa parks
    -43 year old african american refused to give up the seat
    -MLK did a speeches to stop and to nonvilance the situation to suceed
  • Integration of Central High School

    Integration of Central High School
    Little Rock Nine
    -he made a plan to interagate the high school and put nine black students in there calling them little rock nine
    -military personal helped the blacks from wihts
  • freedom rides

    freedom rides
    -Civil disobedience a peacefull protest
    -congress of racial equality of these freedom rides
    - ended up abandoning the freedom rides
  • First Lunch Counter Sit-in

    First Lunch Counter Sit-in
    Jim Crow Laws & Sit-In
    -they protest and they boycotted at some buisnesses to maintained the segergation
    -they sit in stores all day but they were not served and they came back the next day with others who joined them
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    NAACP -it was the earlyest civil rights and they were tyring to do legal to confront the civil rights
  • Advocates for Black Nationalism

    Advocates for Black Nationalism
    Nation of Islam, Malcom X -its a religious group that promoted and complete seperation by whites
  • voting rights act 1965

    voting rights act 1965
    -congress passed the voting rights act in 1965
    -african americans got the right to vote because of this act
  • Watts Riot

    Watts Riot
    Kerner Commission & ghettos
    -theres 2 societys blacks and whites and seperation and unequal
    -they thought vilolence thought it can change the system
  • Black Panther Party Founded

    Black Panther Party Founded
    Black Power
    -they were sending the world a message it was a symbol that we were here to stay and we would do what ever it is ineeded to survive
  • Civil rights act 1964

    Civil rights act 1964
    plessy V furgonson
    -banned sex and discrimination
    -the law passed since construction
  • Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education

    Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenberg Board of Education
    desegregation -housing patterns was unconstitutional and they used busing to integrate its schools to creat more racail balance
  • Regents of the Univeristy of California v. Bakke

    Affirmative action
    -it went to court for agruments for both sides it was deeply divided for justice for both sides