Period: Jan 1, 1200 to
Course Units
This timeline covers historical events, works of art, and key artists' lifespans. This timeline will help you understand the artistic periods I was taught. You will see how the artists and events shaped art to what it is today. The periods are:
*Italian Renaissance: 14th-16th Centuries
*Northern Renaissance: 14th-16th Centuries
*Baroque (Northern or Southern European): 17th Century
*Enlightenment and Revolution: 18th Century
*Romanticism and realism:1800-1880
*The Modern World:1880-1945 -
Period: Jan 1, 1290 to Jun 9, 1348
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Ambrogio Lorenzetti worked in Florence and was known within the Sienese School of painters. Of all artists in the school Lorenzetti showed more of a naturalistic approach. Most of his work anticipated the Italian Renaissance. As the bubonic plague ravaged the area during his time, it is believed to be the reason he died. https://www.virtualuffizi.com/ambrogio-lorenzetti.html -
Jan 1, 1346
Hundred Years War
In the wake of The Great Famine, This was a war between France and England began. Both had conflicts with on another about the control of resources. http://www.corax.com/tarot/index.html?renaissance-tarot -
Jan 1, 1348
The Black Death
The Black Death arrived in Europe in 1348. The symptoms would start out as flu-like symptoms, and then a swell beneath the armpits and groin. This plague hit the people of Europe hard. For example Normandy lost 70 to 80 percent of its population. Trade was to blame people say. The plague spread through the trade routes by parasites carried throughout the trade routes. https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/renaissance-reformation/late-gothic-italy/beginners-guide-late-gothic/a/the-black-death -
Period: Apr 15, 1452 to May 2, 1519
Leonardo Da Vinci
Born in April 15, 1452 near the Tuscan town of Vinci, the Illegitimate son of a local lawyer. He was apprenticed to the sculptor and painter Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence and in 1478 became an independent master himself. Leonardo was an incredible artist with interests in palaeontology, ichnology, and architecture, and is widely considered one of the greatest painters of all time. He Moved to Chateau of Cloux, near Amboise in France, where he died on May 2, 1519. He is the "Renaissance Man". -
Jan 1, 1469
The Age of Exploration
It was at this time when Europeans engaged in exploring the world. This time period is seen as a bridge from the middle ages to the modern era. The voyages were led mostly by Spanish or Portugese people. It is rumored that they went on this exploration to find better trade routes to the Indies. https://myapeurostudyguide.wordpress.com/1-the-renaissance-reformation-and-age-of-exploration/ -
Period: to
Gian Lorenzo Bernini Baroque Artist
Gian Lorenzo Bernini dominated the Roman art of the seventeenth century. His sculptural and architectural projects reveal an innovative interpretation of subjects, use of forms, and combination of media. He trained in his fathers Roman workshop, assisting with sculptures. Bernini received the first of several commissions for creating Saint Peter's enormous marble. http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/bern/hd_bern.htm -
Lion on the Four Rivers Fountain, ca. Baroque style by Gianlorenzo Bernini
This Sculpture is one of many Baroque style sculptures that he created. This lion is for the beast lapping water beneath the travertine arch of the Four Rivers Fountain. This sculpture has very sharp detail with ample fabric yardage billows around the figure. http://theafproject.com/berninis-models-displaying-process-in-the-metropolitan-museum-of-art/ -
Industrial Revolution 1700s-1800s
The Industrial Revolution initiated a quantum leap in industrial production. New sources of energy and power, especially coal and steam, replaced wind and water to create labor saving machines that dramatically decreased the use of human and animal labor and at the same time increased the level of productivity. https://www.nhorizon.net/history-eras-1350-now.html -
Period: to
Joseph Wright
He was an English painter who was a pioneer in the artistic treatment of industrial subjects. He was also the best European painter of artificial light of his day. Wrights home was Derby which was one of the centers of birth for the industrial revolution. His paintings show the realism of the new machinery with the romanticism involved in its application to industry and science. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Joseph-Wright-English-painter -
An Iron Forge
This painting was oil paint on a canvas. This was a painting depicting one of the most effective aspects of the birth of industrial revolution. Many of his explorations of new inventions and technology were painted as "night-pieces" with strong contrasting effects of light and darkness.it is one of five pieces of art of the subjects of the Blacksmith shops. http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/wright-an-iron-forge-t06670 -
Period: to
Edouard Manet
He was one of the first 19th century artists to paint modern life, and a figure in the transformation from realism to impressionism.Born into an upper-class household with strong political connections, Manet rejected the future originally envisioned for him, and became engrossed in the world of painting. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89douard_Manet -
The Cafe Concert
Manet's paintings of café scenes are observations of social life in 19th-century Paris. People are depicted drinking beer, listening to music, flirting, reading, or waiting. Many of these paintings were based on sketches executed on the spot. He often visited the Brasserie Reichshoffen on boulevard de Rochechourt, upon which he based At the Cafe in 1878. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89douard_Manet