
  • The began

    The began
    The Holocaust era began in January 1933 when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power in Germany.
  • Hitler was appointed as chancellor

    Hitler was appointed as chancellor
    Hitler was appointed as chancellor of Germany
  • open on concentration camp

    open on concentration camp
    The first concentration camp opened in Dachau
  • boycott

    boycott of Jewish stores and businesses
  • laws

    laws prohibiting jews from attending school and doing civil service
  • Nümberg laws

    Nümberg laws
    these laws removed Jewish rights to citizenship
  • German Annexation

    German Annexation
    Germany invaded Austria in March 1938. To unit German people into one nation
  • Kristallnacht

    also known as "The Night of Broken Glass" German Nazis attacked Jewish people and their property
  • Flee

    St. Louis set sail to Cuba and more than 900 jews fled Germany