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Animal Experimentation / Animal Cruelty

By ameza
  • Activist go against vivsection

    Activist go against vivsection
    Frances Powers organizes a group that are against animal experimentation.
  • Human Body study

    Human Body study
    Francois Magendie starts using animals to see how the human body functions. People say that he was responsible for the causing of antivivisectionist movement around England and Europe.
  • Emil Adolf von Behring using guinea pigs

    Emil Adolf von Behring using guinea pigs
    Emil Adolf used guinea pigs to discover the cure for diphtheria. She would take a guinea pig that was dying of the disease and use a guinea pig that had it.Then she would inject the the dying guinea pig with the same disease using blood transfusion.
  • Studing Athrax

    Studing Athrax
    Robert Koch would use mice to inject bacilli anthrax in the mice to see what would happen. He used animals that were already affected by it. Then he would take the animals blood and inject the sickness in the mice. His observation was that the sickness could be transmitted by blood
  • Alligator used for clothing

    Alligator used for clothing
    Alligators hide began in New York,New jersey and Europe. Companies made the hide soft and durable which people demanded more of it to make shoes,belts and clothing.
  • Max Weber take in Animal Experimentation

    Max Weber take in Animal Experimentation
    Max Weber thinks science helps inform people and science doesn't answer policy or ethical question.In the other hand Max thinks animals play a big part in science and also in other studies
  • Against Bull Baiting

    Against Bull Baiting
    William Wilberforce makes an attempt to make a bill to stop bull fighting having Richard Martin as a supporter. The bill was ignored and it said that the bill never got the second approval or reading.
  • Cruelty to Animals Bill

    Cruelty to Animals Bill
    This bill made sher that no animal abuse would be performed of animals during animal experimentation.
  • Charles Bell

    Charles Bell
    Charles Bell used animals to study the nerve system.He said that he was the first to distinguish between sensory and motor nerves.
  • Successful corneal tranplant

    Successful corneal tranplant
    Franz Riesinger succeeds of doing the first corneal transplant on a gazelle .
  • Francoise Mangedie Pharmacological experiments

    Francoise Mangedie Pharmacological experiments
    Magendie favored the use of chemical substances over that of natural drugs and, in addition, had great confidence in pharmacological experiments on animals. He did not hesitate to test on himself all the substances that were shown to be harmless in the animal experiments.
  • Jeremy Betham

    Jeremy Betham
    He was the first person to use utilitarianism on a animals he was also one of the first people to speak against animal cruelty.
  • Martin Act

    Martin Act
    The Martin Act would protect Horses and cattle from being abused if so the person could receive a fine and 2 months in jail.
  • Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
    Richard Martin creates a group because he though the Martin's Act wasn't being take seriously. The first meeting was held in Old Slaughter's Coffee house on st. Martin Lane.
  • Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
    This Lord Eriskin found the society which was against vivsection.
  • Bill about Dogs

    Bill about Dogs
    They were going to make a bill about dog experimentation but that already existed. The people we were worried because cats werent in that bill.
  • First Zoo in the World

    First Zoo in the World
    The First Zoo in the World was The Zoology Society of london founded by Stamford Raffles.
  • The First Trap in the United States

    The First Trap in the United States
    They invented this trap to trap animals. The trap consisted of two arcing bands of steel that joined by hinges. Then at the end a trigger attachment which would trap an animal by the leg or paw.
  • Dublin Zoo

    Dublin Zoo
    The Dublin Zoo were experimenting on animals when they were dead but also when they were alive.
  • First Cat put on display of a circus

    First Cat put on display of a circus
    Issac Van Amburgh was the first guy to train a lions,tigers and leopards and be in the same cage as them. He would beat the the animals with a crowbar daring them to attack. He did this because of Gods will in the bible it says " that men should have dominion over animals".
  • Animal cruelty act is passed

    Animal cruelty act is passed
    The Animal Cruelty Act prohibits dogs, cattle, bull fighting and horses to be mistreated in a lab or any where.
  • Magendie's study of the nerves

    Magendie's study of the nerves
    Magendie studies the function of nerves by using puppies. He would cut the puppies spinal cord without pain medication because it didn't exist quite yet, this caused the puppies do be paralyzed and in a lot of pain. Some people criticized him by saying his way of studying was "revolting".
  • Michigans Compiled Law

    Michigans Compiled Law
    Its just like the Pennsylvania Law were if they beat an animal or kill the person will get one year of jail time and a fine of 100 dollars
  • Samuel David Gross

    Samuel David Gross
    Samuel David Gross started practicing surgical disease and used animals experimentation.
  • New Hampshire Law

    New Hampshire Law
    The New Hampshire Law if a animal is ever tortures, beat or killed inhumanely the person will get a fine of less than 100 dollars and jail time of 90 days.
  • Claude Bernard pancreas experiment

    Claude Bernard pancreas  experiment
    Claude Bernard used bunnies to study the liver and the pancreas by giving normal food to some bunnies and others meat. He would see the change in urin and how their meal affected them.
  • Whale Sperm

    Whale Sperm
    The Industry reaches it peak of sperm oil. They industries started losing customers because of new technology. Whales were used for lamps, soap and candle wax.
  • William Thomas Green Mortan anesthesia

    William Thomas Green Mortan anesthesia
    William wanted to find something that could keep a person from confronting consanceness during a surgery. Therefore he would be able to remove teeth without the person having to feel it during the surgery. He discovered anesthesia when testing he tested it on himself and pet dog. This got him thinking that anesthesia could be used during animal experimentation to not harm the animal if awake.
  • American Medical Association

    American Medical Association
    AMA is a organization for physicians to be able to experiment on animals and the organization also think that animal experimentation is needed to learn about the human body.
  • First Reptile House

    First Reptile House
    The First Reptile house was in The Zoology Society in London.
  • France Takes a Stand

    France Takes a Stand
    France tries to make a animal against cruelty. They succeed by the country making it a law.
  • John call Dalton

    John call Dalton
    John Dalton discovered that posterior cricoarytenoid muscles would move the vocal cord during inspiration. He found that by looking at pigeons and dogs bran.
  • Claude Bernard and the Discovery of Adrenal Glands

    Claude Bernard and the Discovery of Adrenal Glands
    The disease that was found in the adrenal glands was Addison disease which was morbid changes in the adrenal glands. They got to this through animal experimentation.
  • Camel Experiment

    Camel Experiment
    A cargo of 41 camels were sent to the coast of Texas. Scientist made a little camp that consisted of camels. They performed experiments about the weakness and strengths in camels. During their experiment they discovered that calms could do the work of 12 horses and camels could do trails that wagons couldn't.
  • Book being written

    Book being written
    Charles Darwin wrote a book called The Origin of Species which was about how animals could experience pain when being experimented.
  • First Animal Zoo in the United

    First Animal Zoo in the United
    The first Zoo to ever open was the Philadelphia Zoo which consisted of 813 isolated animals.
  • American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

    American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
    This organization was founded by Henry Bergh which prevented animals cruelty in the United States.
  • Its cause is because of natural selection

    Its cause is because of natural selection
    Charles Darwin wrote a book called "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection". He believes that the reason that animals are involved invivisection is because of natural selection. Also its a way for survival and ist a animals nature.
  • Pennsylvania Law

    Pennsylvania Law
    Pennsylavania makes a law that if any animal is killed,tortured or beat the person will be fined 200 dollars and be imprisoned for a year.
  • Animals used as bombs

    Animals used as bombs
    During the American Civil War the union captain James Craydon used alot of mules to blow up the confederate line. The mules were loaded with gun powder.
  • Guy abuses his horse

    Guy abuses his horse
    A man is put on trial for beating his horse. They took it to court but the jury fails to charge that the man was intoxicated while beating the horse. The mans stated that he was training the horse even though it didn't help. Court made their decision ( website doesn't say what the man got).
  • Frances Power Cobbe spreads the word

    Frances Power Cobbe spreads the word
    Frances Power Cobbe becomes aware of the animals pain while traveling to Europe and look at labs where their were animals. She spreads the word in articles and does speeches to let people know about animal experiments and how cruel it is
  • John Stuart Mill

    John Stuart Mill
    John Stuart Mill was an English philosopher that was against animal experimentation. His opinion on animal experimentation was any practices done on animals inflicted pain on a animal. Also that humans were selfish to inflict such pain on animals.
  • Biomedical Research

    Biomedical Research
    Claude Bernard created two method's to require valid experimentation. First control of all variables so that only one factor or set of factors is changed in time. Then the replication of the results should be handled in the laboratories. if this experiments were not meant they could perform any experiments.
  • American SPCA

    American SPCA
    This organization was found by Henry Bergh. This organization doesn't believe in abolishing vivisection completely but if vivisection is needed it should be used.
  • First Human Society

    First Human Society
    The first human society stated making scientist to get a license for animals experimentation.
  • The New York Act

    The New York Act
    The New York Act made sheer no animals would be hurt,tortured or wounded on purpose.The results were if proven guilty they wuld be sent to jail.
  • New York Penal Law

    New York Penal Law
    Any horse or animal that is left to die when its disabled or diseased will get convicted of misdemeanor.
  • People vs Tinsdale

    People vs Tinsdale
    It was said that a man violated the anti- cruelty act by over loading a horse car, it was said to be an act of animal abuse. ASPCA took action and took it to the court,
  • First Shelter

    First Shelter
    The United States makes its first animal shelter .
  • Caged Animals

    Caged Animals
    The Castillo circus was the first circus to transport caged circus animals. The animals would make it into 10 caged wagons and boarded the train
  • Massachusetts General Law

    Massachusetts General Law
    The Massachusetts Law it says that animals should be properly fed when being transported. They should not exceed 5 hours of not being feed or provided water. Animal should be abused or overworked or the person will be fined and sent to jail.,
  • Illinois Cruelty to Animal Statute

    Illinois Cruelty to Animal Statute
    Illinois says that if any animal is tormented, mutilated, fail to give proper food or drink to an animal will be fined 100 dollars or more and sent to jail. Also if the person refuses to feed the animal they will also face consequences.
  • The British Association for the Advancement of Science

    The British Association for the Advancement of Science
    The BAAS propsed that they could fix animal pain by doing a 4 code rule. The code was to first use anesthesia whenever the animal would enter consiounes. Second the animal could not feel pain if so, use anesthesia and third the experiments must be done by professionals.This showed that the people who used the code cared for the animals.
  • theory about humans are linked to animals

    theory about humans are linked to animals
    Charles Darwin thought that humans were apart of a natural system and that humans had a link with animals. This caused a argument between America and Europe that it was a physical characteristic not a spiritural connection
  • Harvard University makes a move

    Harvard University makes a move
    Harvard University makes the first laboratory to perform vivisection experiments.
  • The Chimp Washoe

    The Chimp Washoe
    Washoe the chimp was the first monkey to memorize human sign language.
  • Slaughtered Hogs

    Slaughtered Hogs
    The American from the Prevention of Animal Cruelty file a law suit against a business that slaughtered hogs.Business insisted that they were doing it as painless and humane as they could.The organization didn't believe them after seeing their way of killing the hogs and shut the business down.
  • Twenty eight hour law

    Twenty eight hour law
    This law makes animals that are in cages be realesed at least for 28 hours and should be provided with food.
  • The University of Hawaii

    The University of Hawaii
    A professor from the University of Hawaii taught dolphins to understand hand gestures and interpret what the he was saying,
  • Hennickers Bill

    Hennickers Bill
    Frances Power Cobbe did the bill to prevent wounding or painful diseases on animals. This bill also said that aniamls had to be under anesthesia and had to got through painless experiments to allow animal experimentation to be done. This Bill was passed
  • Woman leading a protest

    Woman leading a protest
    Francis power Cobbe leads a woman protest against vivisection.
  • Queen victoria takes a stand

    Queen victoria takes a stand
    Queen Victoria was against vivisection because she thought it was cruel and a " horrible practice". She took it up with the Royal Commission but Joseph Lister got in the way. He told the Royal Commission that they needed to practice vivisection to find new cures and advance medicine, and if it were to be taken away it would affect humankind.
  • Animal Humane Association

    Animal Humane Association
    Its a law that was passed on 1875 which didn't allow pain on animals being done during animal experimentation.
  • NAVS National Anti-Viivsection

    NAVS National Anti-Viivsection
    Discovered in 1875, this society helped animals that have gone through animal experimentation be adopted by other families.
  • Need a licence for animal experimentation

    Need a licence for animal experimentation
    Richard Holt Hutton argued that cats and dogs should be kept out of the laboratory. Which convinced the people of the chair and they decided that scientists will need a licence to experiment on animals.
  • The Physiological Society

    The Physiological Society
    The Physiological Society was created to protect the people that experimented on animals and give then mutual benefit also.
  • The Physiological Society

    The Physiological Society
    Cruelty to Animals legislation was in negotiation, to promote and protect physiology by fostering the exchange of research between scientists, and by scrutinizing the operation of the Act passed that year, an activity in which they were joined by anti-vivisection organizations.
  • Great Britain Update

    Great Britain Update
    Great Britain updated the Cruelty to Animal Act so it would provide better control of animal research.
  • British Cruelty to Animal Act

    British Cruelty to Animal Act
    The British Cruelty to Animal Act was passed which established animal research regulations in Britain.The United States still had problems passing Act because the Congress would decline them.
  • Animals Friend Society

    Animals Friend Society
    Animals Friend Society was founded by John Cadbury which was a society that cared about animals safety.This society evolved over time Royal Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
  • Anthrax in Sheep

    Anthrax in Sheep
    Louis Pasteur was putting the sickness anthrax in sheep to figure out the Germ Theory.
  • Ostriches Feathers Used for Hats

    Ostriches Feathers Used for Hats
    Ostriches feathers were being used for decorations on hats. Ostrich farming become very successful in Arizona, Texas and Florida etc.
  • Gris vs state

    Gris vs state
    A guy killed a hog that was in his land. He was found guilty and appealed needless to say the jury had seconds thoughts about it.
  • Bands of Mercy

    Bands of Mercy
    An organization called Bands of Mercy was created to let children know what animal abuse was and how it affected the animals
  • Anna kingsford

    Anna kingsford
    Anna Kingsford was a woman that graduated with a degree of medicine. It is said that she never experimented on an animal because she was antivivisectionist. She later wrote a book called The Perfect Way of Diet which would give you benefits of being a vegetarian.
  • Research Defence Society

    Research Defence Society
    The Research Defence Society was made to figure out why animals were being experimented and how experimenting on animals can save human lives.
  • George Romanes animals have a choice

    George Romanes animals have a choice
    George Romanes noted that the ability of an animal to make a choice indicated a level of consciousness that was beyond that of instinct, and he made learning to be the litmus test of levels of awareness.
  • Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research

    Association for the Advancement of Medicine by Research
    This group believed in vivisection and thought it was necessary for science. Also this group would sometimes go against vivisection but this is said that it was cover up for what they really were supportive of vivisection.
  • American Anti-vivsection Society

    American Anti-vivsection Society
    Society believes that vivisection inflict suffering in animals. They do not approve and are trying to get rid of it because sometimes the experiments are done for the lack of curiosity. The society believes that animals should be free from such torture.
  • James Hodge vs The state

    James Hodge vs The state
    A person was convicted for hurting a dog by setting a steel-trap in a bucket of slop and catch the dog by the tongue which caused the dog be in a lot of pain. This caused the defendant to violate the cruelty to animal act and was granted another trial.
  • Carl Koller

    Carl Koller
    Carl Koller used dogs to inject cocaine in the cornea hoping it would numb the dogs eye and he would be able to perform ophthalmic surgery on people. He was right that it would numb the eye but later on side affects were being noticed like the dog being weak and not being able to walk.
  • Campaign in Massachusetts

    Campaign in Massachusetts
    Senator George F. Hoar leads a campaign to stop birds from being used to decorate hats or clothing.
  • Louis Pasteur

    Louis Pasteur
    Pasteur finds a treatment for rabies by injecting dogs in the spinal cord. He injected 40 dogs with the treatment and it needed up being successful making the dogs rabies free.
  • Salmonella named by Theobald Smith

    Salmonella named by Theobald Smith
    Theobald Smith given partial credit for discovering Salmonall this was said that this bacteria would provide immunity to experimental animals.
  • Brucella

    Dr. David Bruce got rid of the disease that caused Malta fever. The disease was found in goat milk that British soldiers drank. He created a vaccine that prevented people sick from getting Malta fever.
  • Commonwealth vs Turner

    Commonwealth vs Turner
    A person had a fox in his possession and he released the fox, people than released dogs to find the fox. The dogs found the fox and killed it. Then the defendant got sent to trial for violating the Massachusetts animal Law.
  • Stephens vs. State

    Stephens vs. State
    A man killed several hogs that were eating his crops. He got sent to trial for violating the Mississippi Animal to Cruelty statue and was sent free.The jury made a exemptions and said that he was protecting his crops.
  • Function of the Pancreas

    Function of the Pancreas
    Physiologist Oskar Minkowski and physician Joseph von Mering tested a dog and took the pancreas off of his body and they saw that the dog had diabetes. Both of the scientist didnt put the dog pancreas back and they figured out that it was affecting his intestines. This is how they figured out the use of the pancreas.
  • Ivan Pavlov digestion experiment

    Ivan Pavlov digestion experiment
    Ivan Pavlov would use dogs to experiment on how digestion worked. He would dissect the dogs initial canal.
  • American Human Association

    American Human Association
    The Association takes action by prohibiting animals from inflicting pain by getting only facts about the human body.
  • William H Welch discovery of Bacillus welchii

    William H Welch discovery of Bacillus welchii
    Bacillus Welchii is a bacteria that William found during meeting while in The Johns Hopkins Hospital Medical Society. He found the when someone died the blood would form gas. He injected a pregnant rabbit with the bacteria and found the babies right way died when the bacteria settled and the mother died 2 days afterwards.
  • Wilhelm Rontgen

    Wilhelm Rontgen
    He discovered the X-ray which could let you see bones without surgery.This helped study animals without performing vivisection.
  • Discussion between Walter B. Cannon and Roosevelt T.

    Discussion between Walter B. Cannon and Roosevelt T.
    Walter B Cannon and Theodore Roosevelt had a discussion about animal experimentation and how essential it was to humans.
  • U.S Congress gets involved

    U.S Congress gets involved
    The U.S Congress prohibits the Colombia Area to perform vivisection unless inspecting the laboratories once in awhile. They U.S congress was denied bu they brought in up again in the 1900 but they got defeated again to pass a law.
  • state vs Oscar neal

    state vs Oscar neal
    Man was convicted for violating the North Carolina cruelty to animal statue by killing his neighbors chicken. The Supreme Court refused to anything so they let it go.
  • New law that was taken down

    New law that was taken down
    A law about animal cruelty was put up again in New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Animals Cruelty in 1996. It was said that the statute was put down in 1898 because of the Agriculture department. The law wasn't giving them authority to take farm animals in the Agriculture Department.
  • First laboratory veterinarian

    First laboratory veterinarian
    Dr. Simon Brimhall studied life spans but most of his work was animal research
  • The Effects of Alcohol on a Animal

    The Effects of Alcohol on a Animal
    G.E. Partridge tried alcohol on dogs and Baboons. The Dog was more active and they experienced fear where they would run and hid in a corner. The Baboons drank it once and experienced intoxication and the its effects of taking it. The effects were vomiting and dizziness. Later offered again the dogs toke it but not the baboons.Partridge said that the baboons didn't take it because they didn't like or they already knew the consequences.
  • The General Law of California

    The General Law of California
    The Law is against the surroundings of abusive animals etc. They also have a rule about bird . If you were to home or injure a pigeon you will receive a fine of 10 dollars or go to prison for 50 days. Th
  • Horton vs state

    Horton vs state
    Man was found guilty for killing his dog. The man killed it with a rifle witch the Supreme found it cruel. Later on the Supreme Court found that no abuse was put upon the dog so they set the man free.
  • Ronald Ross

    Ronald Ross
    Ronald Ross uses pigeons to show how malaria is transmitted.
  • Brown Dog affair

    Brown Dog affair
    The Brown Dog Affair is a protest that was held in London Medical School. This protest was about that a student saw a dog being dissected without anesthesia and they went on a riot that it was wrong and all that. The riot lasted 7 years because how wrong it was.
  • State vs Browning

    State vs Browning
    Man was convicted for overworking his mule which violated South Carolina's Animal Law. He was sentenced to a fine.
  • Ross Grandville Harrison

    Ross Grandville Harrison
    Harrison used frog lymphoid tissue and the Embryonic nerve cells to grow new cells which he called the hanging drop.
  • No bars for Animals

    No bars for Animals
    Carl Hagenbeck was the first German person that didnt want to use bars to captivated animals . He used moats,serpent rock and hedges to create an illusion that their wasn't any separation between the human and the animal.
  • Harvard University

    Harvard University
    Harvard University is engaged in animal experimentation and they were dealing with a lot of complaints . They thought they were going at the extreme and they had to to either stop. Percy Dawson a member assured the people that the animals were receiving good care.
  • Dr.Karl Landsteiner and Dr Erwin Popper

    Dr.Karl Landsteiner and Dr Erwin Popper
    Both doctors were using a dead boys spine that was infected with polio disease to replicate the disease on monkeys. Therefore it would be spread to other monkeys and tey can be able to study the disease.
  • Transmitting diseases

    Transmitting diseases
    The vaccine of poliomyelitis was first transmitted to humans until in 1908 they were allowed to transmit the disease to monkeys.
  • Hummelsheim procedure about Nerve Palsy

    Hummelsheim procedure about Nerve Palsy
    Hemmelsheim is said to have used a famouse scientist procedure which was called the Jensen procedure on an ape. The Jensen procedure is when the lateral and medial recti muscle is detached and attached to the inferior or superior rectus. This improves the ones mind from going through depression.
  • Detroit Humane Society

    Detroit Humane Society
    Detroit Human society prevented human and animal abuse. The Detroit Human Society dealt with 947 cases from abuse of animals and people.
  • Protection of Animals ACt

    Protection of Animals ACt
    This Act was just like Cruelty to Animals Act which prevented animals being abused and be hurt.This Act later on is known now as the Animal welfare Act 2006.
  • Blood Tranplant

    Blood Tranplant
    Alexis Carrel used female and male cats to transplant blood vessel. Than she would kill them to examine them
  • Humane Marshall

    Humane Marshall
    Human Marshall was a organization created by the Animal Welfare Association. This organization was made in spite of Arthur C. Curtis. This organization investigated and charged animal cruelty.
  • Smith and Porter spinal anesthesia

    Smith and Porter spinal anesthesia
    Smith and Porter performed spinal anesthesia on cats and dogs also other animals. They did that to study about the human body and what were the effects that caused people to be paralyzed.
  • Elephants ivory

    Elephants ivory
    Elephants tusk being used for combs, poll balls and piano keys. The U.S alone was consuming 200 tons of ivory every year dropping the elephant population to 10 million,
  • Kikkoman

    Kikkoman Soy Sauce has been supporting cruel animals experiments so they could grow ranks globaly
  • Man pours acid on a horse

    Man pours acid on a horse
    A man poured acid on his horses feet. He was sentenced and the court found evidence to back it up.
  • Edgar Adrian using FRogs

    Edgar Adrian using  FRogs
    Edgar Adrian used frogs to study that the brain sends signals to communicate
  • Rats used more than other animal

    Rats used more than other animal
    Lab rat was central to almost all psychology department labs.
  • Minnesota's Public Law

    Minnesota's Public Law
    If a horse,ox or any animal is abused or beat the person will be facing jail for more than 30 days and a fine of 50 dollars or less.