2560 BCE
Great Pyramid of Giza completed
280 BCE
Aristarchus of Samos is makes the hemispherical sundial or hemicycle
Pascal discovers his theorem while only 16 years old
Torricelli's Trumpet (aka Gabriel's Horn) is discovered by Evangelista Torricelli
Fermat dies, leaving no record of his 'wonderful proof'
William Jones introduces the symbol for pi
Abraham DeMoivre publishes "Doctrine of Chances" and investigates mortality
Lambert proves that pi is irrational
Comte de Buffon uses a needle to estimate the value of pi
Joseph Huddart invents the 3-armed protractor
Morse transmits the first message using his code
Kirkman poses the 15 schoolgirl problem
Mobius and Listing in introduce the Mobius strip
Peano proves a solid square is a curve (the space-filling curve)
The Tower of Hanoi is invented by Edouard Lucas and sold as a toy
Flatland is written by Edwin Abbott
The Peano Axioms are presented
Von Kach creates his snowflake curve
The Fields Medal is first awarded
Von Neumann and Morgenstren publish "Theory of Games and Economic Behavior"
The Prisoner's Dilemma is formally identified by Melvin Dresher and Merill Flood.
The Fibonacci Quarterly, a journal devoted to the number theory of the Fibonacci sequence, is founded
The Ulam Spiral is discovered
Rubik's Cube is invented
Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken prove the 4-color theorem
Nash is awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics for his work on game theory
The Eternity Puzzle is released commercially
Jade Vinson discovers the world's first holyhedron specimen
NUMB3RS hits American television