Major environmental movement timeline

  • The First National park

    Yellowstone was the first national park and helped for future national park to be created
  • Lacey act

    The Lacey act was the first U.S law to protect wildlife. It was originally to protect animals from being hunted as game but it also prevented them from being traded illegally
  • Earth day

    The first national earth day it was a nationwide protest against environmental ignorance, over 20 million people participated across the country for this event.
  • The energy tax act

    The energy tax acts creates an incentive for ethanol use. This was the first instance of using taxes to encourage fuel efficiency and renewable energy.
  • The meltdown of the three Mile island

    Three mile island was a power plant in Middletown, PA that caused an evacuation of 140,000 people, it took more than ten years to fully clean up the disaster.
  • Bhopal disaster

    Was the worst industrial disaster to ever happen and caused tens of thousands to die.
  • Chernobyl disaster

    Chernobyl was one of the worst nuclear disasters, that happened near the city of Pripyat.
  • The energy independent and security act

    The energy independent and security act was signed by president bush in in 2007 and the act was to move the U.S to much more environmentally friendly country and to increase production of renewable energy.
  • Deep water Horizon oil spill

    Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a oil platform that exploded in April 20th in 2010 it was the worst oil spill in U.S history destroying many ecosystems around them that may never revolver many protests happened to stop BP after this event.
  • The Fukushima nuclear power disaster

    After the devastating Fukushima disaster countries decides to phase out nuclear power and set renewable energy goals