Treaty of Paris signed ******
***** Uccured in 1783. But I changed the year up top so the timeline would look better . -
Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act
First girder skyscraper built in Chicago***
Jane Addams opened Hull House in Chicago ***
Haymarket bombing
American Federation of Labor founded
Interstate Commerce Act passed ***
Jacob Riis published "How the Other Half Lives" ***
"Jim Crow" laws passed throughout the South***
Sherman Anti- trust Act PAssed ***
Alfred Thayer Mahan published "The Influence of Sea Power"
Oklahoma opened to white settlement
Battle of Wounded Knee
Dawes Act Passed***
People's Party formed
Homestead Plant Strike
Frederick Jackson Turner proposed his "Fronteir Thesis" ***
U.S. annexed Hawaii ***
Pullman Company Strike ***
Coxey's Army Marched on Washington
Booker T. Washington outlined his Atlanta Compromise
Plessy v Ferguson decision upholds "seoerate but equal" racial facilities
William Jennings Bryan gave his "cross of Gold" Speech
U.S. battleship Maine exploded in Havana Harbor
Congress declared war on Spain
Dewey captured the Philipines
Hay released his first "Open Door Note" ***
Theodore Dreiser published "Sister Carrie" ***
Boxer Rebellion broke out in China***
J.P. Morgan created United States Steel Corporation ***
McKinley assassination
Theodore Roosevelt became President
Roosevelt intervened in Anthracite Coal Strike
Platt Amendment passed ***
Wrights brothers first succesful flight
"Roosevelt Corollary" announced***
Hepburn Railroad Regulation Act passed ***
Congress passed the Burke Act***
Upton Sinclair published "The Jungle"
Meat Inspection Act Passed
Henry Ford produced his first automobile