
By Declan1
  • Development of Processors

    Nikola Tesla patented electrical logic circuits called "gates" or "switches" in 1903.
  • Development of Processors

    John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley invent the first transistor at the Bell Laboratories on December 23, 1947.
  • Development of Processors

    On April 19, 1965, Gordon Moore made an observation about integrated circuits that became known as Moore's Law.
  • Development of Processors

    Intel with the help of Ted Hoff introduced the first microprocessor, the Intel 4004 on November 15, 1971. The 4004 had 2,300 transistors, performed 60,000 OPS (operations per second), and addressed 640 bytes of memory.
  • Development of Processors

    Intel introduced the 8008 processor on April 1, 1972.
  • Development of Processors

    The Motorola 68000, a 16/32-bit processor was released and was later chosen as the processor for the Apple Macintosh and Amiga computers.
  • Development of Processors

    Cyrix released their first co processors, the FasMath 83D87 and 83S87, in 1989. These were x87 compatible and designed for 386 computers. The FasMath co processors were up to 50% faster than the Intel 80387 processor.
  • Development of Processors

    Intel released the Pentium processor on March 22, 1993. The processor was a 60 MHz processor, and incorporates 3.1 million transistors.
  • Development of Processors

    Cyrix released their MediaGX processor in 1996. It combined a processor with sound and video processing on one chip.
  • Development of Processors

    AMD introduced the K5 processor on March 27, 1996, with speeds of 75 MHz to 133 MHz and bus speeds of 50 MHz, 60 MHz, or 66 MHz. The K5 was the first processor developed completely in-house by AMD.
  • Development of Processors

    AMD first released the Duron processor on June 19, 2000, with speeds of 600 MHz to 1.8 GHz and bus speeds of 200 MHz to 266 MHz. The Duron was built on the same K7 architecture as the Athlon processor.
  • Development of Processors

    Intel released the Celeron 533 MHz with a 66 MHz bus processor on January 4, 2000.
  • Development of Processors

    AMD announced a new branding scheme on October 9, 2001. Instead of identifying processors by their clock speed, the AMD Athlon XP processors will bear monikers of 1500+, 1600+, 1700+, 1800+, 1900+, 2000+, etc. Each higher model number will represent a higher clock speed.