
By Rxfter
  • 753 BCE

    Romulus and Remus -753

    The twin brothers Romulus and Remus were abandoned by their parents and were tossed to the Tiber River.Which was then founded by a mother wolf and taken care of until a shepherd found Romulus and Remus.
  • 509 BCE

    Romans Defeat the Estruscans - 509 BC

    Rome was a big city ruled by the king.509 BC the Romans formed a government named The Republic. The Estruscans ruled the Romans for hundreds of years and was then defeated by the Roman Republic .
  • 449 BCE

    The Laws of the Twelve Tables 449 BCE

    The Law of Twelve Tables was one of the surviving law codes which they were struggling between Patricians (privileged class) and Plebeians (common people) on who to protect the social, legal and the civil rights.
  • 218 BCE

    Hannibal Invades Italy - 218 BC

    Hannibal is a Carthaginian military commander.After the first Punic War there was a short term peace between Carthage and the Romans.
    When Hannibal father name Hamilcar died Hannibal came in power Hannibal started to prepare for years to defeat the Romans and after all the preparing Hannibal was ready and their first fight Hannibal calvary won against Scipio.
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome -45 BCE

    Gaius Julius Caesar was widely-known as the greatest military strategist and brilliant politicians of all time and was the first Roman General that built a bridge across Rhine to initiate the invasion of Britain. Gaius Julius Caesar achieved the reforms of government and the Roman society and then proclaimed as the Dictator of Rome.
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar was assassinated 44 BCE

    On March 15 44 BCE Julius Caesar was assassinated by his own senators at the location next to Theatre of Pompey which was planed by Gaius Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus.
  • 27

    The First Emperor -27 BCE

    Julius Caesar nephew Gauis Octavian Thurinus Became Rome first emperor and was named Augustus Caesar.August Caesar Made significant changes for Rome such as the Roman Empire facing the predigest amount of stability and prosperity which was also known as Pax Romana which also means Roman Peace.
  • 394

    Christianity Becomes the State Religion Of Rome -394 AD

    Nicene Christianity became the State church of the Roman Empire because Emperor Theodosis was the first emperor to command all citizens to become Christian and the Eastern Orthodox Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, and the Catholic Church each claim to be part of the historical continuation.
  • 395

    Roman Empire Is Divided Into Two Parts - 395 AD

    When the Roman Empire had grown so big it was no longer able to govern the territory from the central seat of Rome the Roman Empire then was divided in two parts, western and eastern.
  • 476

    Last Western Emperor - 476 AD

    Romulus Augustulus is known as the Last Western Emperor.Who was about 14 years old when he became the Roman empire and he ruled the Western Roman Empire from October 31 475 AD to September 4 476 AD and died at 67 460 AD-527 AD.