
By jskillz
  • My Birthday

    The day i was born
  • started playing football

    I played for the Tyaa Bulldogs in Tulsa Oklahoma
  • Grandma died

    My Dad mom passes away
  • Grandpa died

    My dad father passed away
  • Went to carver middle school

    That was my dream middle school growing up. It was also the school everybody from where I am from wanted to go.
  • Started working at Keith D. Biglow funeral Directors

    This was my first time ever having a job and i still work there to this day.
  • Got enrolled into Booker T. Washington High School

    To get to go to school at Booker T. Washington was most of every kids dream in North Tulsa and for me to get accecpted there was a big deal and plus my whole family has went there. and then to be able to play football at Booker T. was amazing!
  • Stopped playing football

    they won the state championship that year.
  • started back playing football

  • Covid- 19 abruptly ruined my senior year

    Went went on spring break and never got the chance to go back to school
  • Moved into my first dorm at UCO

    and has been here ever since i plan on graduating this spring.