Timeline 2nd partial

  • Birth of Walter D Teague

  • Birth of Walter D. Teague

  • birth of Norman Bel Geddes

  • Birth of Norman Bel Geddes

  • Birth of Harold Van Doren

  • Birth of Harold Van Doren

  • Beginning of Expressionism

  • Beginning of the expresionism movent

  • Birth of Harold Van Doren

  • Birth of Henry Dreyfuss

  • birth of Eva Zeisel

  • Period: to

    Art Deco

  • Birth of Eva Zeisel

  • Filippo Tommaso Marinetti publishes the Futurism Manifesto

  • Streamlining

  • Period: to

    First Expresionism traces

  • Period: to

    Futurism movement

  • "Expressionism" is defined by Antonin Matejcek

  • "Art in Industry and Trade" in the Deutscher Werkbund

  • "Transit" in the Deutscher Werkbund

  • Beginning of Neoplasticism

  • The Last Futurist exhibition of painting

    Malevich and Tatlin get together with their constructivism ideals
  • The Bauhaus school is founded by Walter Gropius

    The school is founded in Weimar, Germany
  • The futurism movement is vanished by the fascist of Germany

  • Varvara Stepanova, Alexander Rodchenko, and collaborators establish the first constructivist working group

  • The "Form ohne Ornament" Deutscher Werkbund in Berlin

  • Walter D Teague creates his executive design office

  • Major Werkbund exhibition "Die Wohnung" by Mies van der Rohe in Stuttgart

  • Henry Dreyfuss won the phone of the future award

  • The comming to power of the nazis causes the closing of Bauhaus in Dessau

  • Bauhaus moves to Berlin under the direction of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

  • The Model 150 Vacuum cleaner is designed by Henry Dreyfuss

  • ANC (American National Company)

  • Lee Lawrie makes the "Art eco The Atlas"

  • Eva Zeisel lands in New York with her husband Hands

  • Art Deco at The American World Fair in New York

  • Futurama by Bel Geddes is exposed at New York's world fair

  • Period: to

    World War 2

  • Bel Geddes designs the Mark I Computer

  • Zeisel gains national notice with the porcelain table service´s first show devoted solely to a female designer.

  • Deutscher Werkbund is Restored after World War II

  • Period: to

    Henry Dreyfuss series of inventions and books

    from the wall mounted telephone to Symbol Source Book
  • Period: to

    Zeisel takes a hiatus from designing

  • Death of Henry Dreyfuss

  • Eva Zeisel resumes her work

  • 100th annyversary of the Deutscher Werkbund is celebrated in Berlin

  • Death of Eva Zeisel

  • Death of Eva Zeisel