US Government Timeline By David Brown

By drcb45
  • 1215

    Magna Carta is passed

    Magna Carta is passed
    The Magna Carta was a basis that provided the principle of limited government and King John was forced to sign it in 1215. It limited the power of monarchs or government from being absolute.
  • First Colony is Established at Jamestown

    First Colony is Established at Jamestown
    Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement is established in America.
  • English Bill of Rights is Passed

    English Bill of Rights is Passed
    This bill set limitation on what a ruler could and could not do. This also applied to the American colonists because they were subjects of Great Britian.
  • British defeat of the French and Indian war

    British defeat of the French and Indian war
    A war that started between the French and Britain over lands in western Pennsylvania and Ohio.
  • Stamp Act Passed

    Stamp Act Passed
    George III was determined to deal more firmly with the American colonies. The stamp act imposed the first direct tax on the colonists.
  • Stamp Act Congress Meets

    Stamp Act Congress Meets
    This was the first meeting organized by the Colonists to protest King George's actions.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A group of American Colonists dressed up as mohawks and dumped 342 chests of tea to combat the rising tax of the English on tea.
  • Intolerable (coercive) acts are passed

    Intolerable (coercive) acts are passed
    Referred to by the colonists as the intolerable acts; one of them closing the Boston Harbor and the other withdrew the right of the Massachusetts colony to govern itself.
  • First Continental Congress meets

    First Continental Congress meets
    The first continental congress meets and the delegates debate on what to do with the relationship with Great Britain.
  • Shot Heard Round the World

    Shot Heard Round the World
    The first blow fell with the redcoats and the colonial minutemen. It was the first battle of the Revolutionary War.
  • Second Continental Congress Meets

    Second Continental Congress Meets
    Soon after the shot heard around the world, the second revolutionary war began. John Hancock, being president voted to organize army and navy and made George Washington a commander of a newly organized continental army.
  • Declaration of Independence is signed

    Declaration of Independence is signed
    On this Day the congress approves the final draft of the Declaration of Independence. John Hancock, the president of the congress is the first to sign it and it eventually held the signature of 56 delegates.
  • Ratification (passage) of the Articles of Confederation

    Ratification (passage) of the Articles of Confederation
    The ratification continued the structure and operation of government as established under the continental congress.
  • Constitutional Convention Begins

    Constitutional Convention Begins
    The American Constitution begins.
  • Unanimous (13th State passes) ratification of the Constitution

    Unanimous (13th State passes) ratification of the Constitution
    Rhode Island finally ratifies after the Constitution is put into full effect. They do this in the year 1790.