
American History: Emily Way

  • Jan 1, 1215

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta
    The magna carta was written by barons who wanted to protect their rights and property against the king. Colonists believed that they should have the same rights as the magna carta. Those rules of the magna carta were written into the Constitution and the Bill of rights.
  • Early Amercian Settlers

    Early Amercian Settlers
    ? The first settlers came here for a multitude of reasons some being the freedom of religion, others a new start, some came for trading, and some just came to travel. When they arrived they brought the European style of Government with them manly being Monarchy. To have an ordered style of government is to have a government that orders out the regulations between all parts of the government. A limited government limits the power that the government holds over the people. While a representative
  • The Creation of the Thirteen Colonies

    The Creation of the Thirteen Colonies
    Life was simple and comfortable; there were farmers, and townspeople who voted for their local government. Each colony had its own system of government. The colonies united together to fight against Great Britain.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    That the pilgrims would be “bound” together when they arrived on the new land.
  • Petition of Right

    Petition of Right
    It was a document that set out certain liberties that the king was not allowed to change or act against. This gave the idea for the constitution, where there are certain laws that the leader cannot infringe upon.
  • English Bill of Rights

    English Bill of Rights
    The English Bill of Rights is a declaration of rights and liberties. The Rights brought about the outline of how every state or country and gave liberties away from the powerful government and to the people.
  • Albany Plan of Union

    Albany Plan of Union
    To elect American delegates that would continentally assembled party that would be presided over by the Royal Governor. It was rejected because this plan would create a group so powerful that the King would not be able to control it.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The stamp act was parliaments first way to try to gain authority over the colonies.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    It was the killing of Colonists by British soldiers. There was tension building up between the American colonies and British troops that were occupying Massachusetts. There were trials, the British were defended, but two were found guilty of manslaughter.
  • The Tea Act & The Boston Tea Party

    The Tea Act & The Boston Tea Party
    The Tea act granted sales in the American colonies to the British east India trading company. That was in a sense the last straw from a strain of unpopular laws imposed by the British on the American Colonists. Resulting in the Boston Tea Party.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    Was a push for a new government, democracy, that pushed away from the British and into the formation of a new country. As a result the Congress sent a warning to King George.
  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    Growing tensions between Britain’s 13 North American Colonies and Colonial government. The goal was to fight for independence. The French helped a brother out, and the British surrendered in Yorktown, Virginia. We won our independence booya.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Second Continental Congress
    The Second Continental Congress met due to the fact that the Intolerable Acts were not abolished. This accomplished the start of the American Revolution.
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence
    It is a document written by the Continental Congress on July 4th, 1776. It stated that the 13 colonies were no longer part of Britain and was independent.
  • The Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation
    The articles of confederation were the United States first constitution. It had a weak central government; it left most power with the state governments. A strength was that it helped to pass the Northwest ordinance of 1787.
  • The End of the Revolutionary War and the Critical Period

    The End of the Revolutionary War and the Critical Period
    The Articles of confederation created no provision for a president. Also, it was not needed to make money contributions to the Federal Government, so states did no contribute which lead to there being no way to pay for military needs.
  • Mount Vernon

    Mount Vernon
    Where nominated delegates from Virginia and Maryland discussed issues of their water border. It created a tradition of having constant meetings between states to discuss things of mutual concern.
  • Ratifying the Constitution

    Ratifying the Constitution
    To approve. Some believed that the delegates had exceeded their authority by creating the constitution and replacing the articles of confederation. Anti Federalists didn’t want to get rid of the Articles of Confederation, so they didn’t want this new constitution. The federalists “won out” because it was ratified.
  • Annapolis

    Annapolis was an establishment of Government and also to set up rules and regulations that fine tuned the Articles of Confederation. This meeting helped make way for the Constitutional Convention which lead to the Constitution of the United States.
  • The Commerce & Slave Trade Compromise

    The Commerce & Slave Trade Compromise
    It was an agreement. It protected slaveholders, for it forbade congress to tax exported goods, and also forbid the power to act on the slave trade.
  • The Three-Fifths Compromise

    The Three-Fifths Compromise
    It was a compromise between the south and the north stating that three-fifths of the slave population would count as representatives, or people. It was included in the Constitution in article 1, section 2, paragraph 3. The North wanted slaves to count as more, but the south didn’t.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Constitutional Convention
    Americans realized that things in the articles of confederation had to be modified. They were trying to agree on how the election of the Senate should be, and also were trying to agree on the Virginia plan, and eventually did. They made a rough draft and was put into the Constitution.
  • The Virginia Plan

    The Virginia Plan
    It was an outline of what the Constitution would be; with three branches of government to prevent abuse of power. It was considered better, for it was agreed upon later after contemplation over it. Some opposed it because smaller states would have less representatives.
  • The New Jersey Plan

    The New Jersey Plan
    It was a plan similar to the Articles of Confederation. Yes it was considered a better alternative because it favored small states.
  • The Connecticut Compromise

    The Connecticut Compromise
    It was between the senate and the house. It was about the representation of the Congress.
  • The Constitution Goes into Effect

    The Constitution Goes into Effect
    We the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution.