Timeline 2a República Española

  • Proclamation of the 2nd Spanish Republic

    Proclamation of the 2nd Spanish Republic
    Revolutionary Committee becomes the Provisional Republican Government.
  • Period: to

    Reformist biennium

    Niceto Alcalá Zamora was named president of the Republic and Manuel Azaña was named president of the government introducing a variety of ambitious reforms, like the passed of the Statue of Autonomy for Cataluña and the subordination of the army.
  • Constitution 1931

    Constitution 1931
    Constitution were aproved.
    Democratic and progressive features, were we found: popular sovereignty, the division of powers, declaration of civil rights and collective rights.
    The secularism was no longer an official state religion.
    The regionalism establish an Statues of Autonomy.
    The social economy were declarated a democratic republic of all workers of every class.
  • Period: to

    Black biennium

    First time women can vote.
    CEDA and PRR won the elections.
    Some leaders feared that CEDA was beginning to resemble fascism so they called a general strike which grew into a revolution.
  • Revolution of October

    Revolution of October
    Strikers' movement by nationalist, anarchist and communist organisations.
    Two important uprisings:
    - In Asturias the miners staged an armed revolt.
    - Cataluña declared itself independent. Generalitat dissolved and the president arrested.
  • Escándalo de estraperlo

    Escándalo de estraperlo
    Complaint filed by Daniel Strauss with the President of the Republic Niceto Alcalá Zamora in which he demanded "compensation" for the costs of installing the game popularly known as "estraperlo".
    The political career of Alejandro Lerroux, leader of the Radical Party, ended.
  • Popular Front

    Popular Front
    Left-wing parties joined together to form the Popular Front coalition. They defended the right to amnesty for the political prisioners held since the Revolution of 1934 and pushed the social reforms begun in 1931.
  • Start of the civil war

    Start of the civil war
    The Spanish Civil War was caused by many factors, including major socio-economic problems, such as poverty and inequality. However, the on of the main causes was all sides’ failure to compromise and to respect the rights and opinions of others. This failure meant that the Second Republic could never provide a government that could bring stability and prosperity to the country.