Marxists Revolutionaries Split
Marxists revolutionaries disagree over revolutionary tactics. The more radical Bolsheciks are ready to risk everything. The charismatic Vladimir Lenin becomes the leader. -
Period: to
Russian Revolution
Russia and disobeyed a previous agreement with Japan over Korea and Manchuria. Japan then decided to get revenge or retaliate on Russia. The Japanese attacked at Port Arthur, Manchuria. Repeated Russion losses led to a revolt in the midst of war. -
Bloody Favor
Almost 200 thousand workers carried out a petition, asking for better working conditions,personal freedom, and to elect a national legislature. Provoking soldiers to fire on the crowd. The aftermath being over 1,000 wounded and several 100 deaths earning the name "Bloody Sunday" -
Yearning for a Constitutional Monarchy
The first duma was officially set, stating that leaders wanted Russia to become a constitutional monarchy. Later, the duma had dissolved due to the leaders hesitation to share his power. -
Paying the Price
Nicholas the Second was responsible for Russias partake in World War One. Not only were they unprepared to pay the costs but their army was no match for the Germans. Four million Russian soldiers were killed, wounded, or missing in action in just under one year. -
Shortages Feul Riot
Two Hundred Thousand women textile workers held a city-wide strike in Petrograd. The riot was ignited by shortages of feul and bread, which only increased in the next five days. Later, soldiers sided with the people on the issue -
The Rise of the Bolshevik Red Guards
Armed factory workiers stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd. They called themselves the Bolshevik Red Guards. They took over governement offices and arrested the leaders. -
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Russia and Germany(Central Powers) signed the treaty of Brest-Litousk. The treaty was forced upon Russia. Russia surrendered a lart part of their land to Germany and their allies. -
Civil War in Progress
For the past 3 years Russia was in a civil war. The "teams" were the Red Army, which many foreign armies were against, and the White Armed Forces of Southern Russia. -
New Economic Policy
Lenin temperarily put aside his plan for a state controlled economy. Instead he put forth a small scale version of capitalism called the New Economic Policy. It was put in place to raise the economy during and after the civil war. -
During this year Russia renamed itself the Union of Soviet Socialist Repulbics (USSR). Aslo Lenin suffered from a stroke earlier in the year and survived. Joseph Stalin became general secretary of the communist party. Lenin said himself that he didn't particualarly like Stalin.