
By Ikkkk
  • Period: 384 BCE to 322 BCE


    He tried to stablish general principles that ruled the behavior of natural bodies, both living and inanimate, also celestial and terrestrial bodies.
  • Period: 287 BCE to 212 BCE


    He was one of the first to apply math to physical phenomena, being the father of hydrostatics and discovering the buoyancy principle.
  • Period: 1564 to

    Galileo Galilei

    His experiments and studies of the motion of bodies were precursors of classical mechanics, a branch of Physics that we are going to study on this course.
  • Period: to

    Isaac Newton

    He stablished motion laws that now they have his last name and also the universal gravitation principles.
  • Period: to

    Classic physics

    Deals with small velocities hen compared to light speed.
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    James Clerk Maxwell

    He formulated the electromagnetic theory that unifies the concepts of electricity and magnetism known to that time. He formulated the foundation of the radio waves and other technological achievements.
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    Albert Einstein

    He developed the theory of relativity, discovered the photoelectric effect and did contributions to the quantum theory.
  • Period: to

    Modern physics

    It considers of the quantum and relativity theories and deals with speeds near light speed.