timeline 2013

By kodyw
  • Geronimo Stilton The way of the samurai

    Wild willie and Geroniamo were off japan in search of a legendary ancient samurai scroll that holds the secret to long-losat fighting technique. The scroll fallen into the wroung hands, and it was up to us to track it down and save the day. But first, we would have to fight a group of talented ninjas this would be one adventure I would never forget.
  • Barry Grump

    It is 35 years since A good Keen Man first fired the imagination of New Zealanders. The tale of a young joker's introdution to the art of deer culling is as vivid and compelling now as when it wsas first published.
  • Cranky Paws

    It is my job to help sick animals all the patients that come to pet vet clinic are interesting but some are more interesting that other.
    Take cranky paws the cat for exsample... Her name wasn't really cranky paws but that's what Dr Jeanie and i called her. I'd never met a cat who was a determinde to hate everyone.
  • Missson To Malgor 220

    This book was about 5 monkeys that went up in to space.
    The monkeys names where Ham, Wallnut , Housten, Nelliy and bob they where all funny monkey. Not as much as Ham
  • Consporacy 365

    The sound of screaming fills the air. Carl's identity has been syripped from him and he's been locked up in an asylum where danger lurks on both sides of the bars. He has no idea who's put him there but the docotors are convinced Carl-ben Galloway-is delusional and have no intention of setting him free. Carl can't reach-uncle Bratholomew or solve the dangerours Mystrey of the Ormonds when he's wearing a straitjacket.No one belives a word he says-not even the truth can save him now.The clock is.
  • Period: to

    Reading log 2013

  • My Sister The Vanpire

    He's even cuter in real lifeC!' Holly wood has come to Franklin Grove! And while Olivia is getting to know the hot teen movie star Jackson Caulfield, Ivy is doing some snooping about. It looks like someone on the sit has a grave sceret. Could her twin be falling for a vanpire.
    A killer story to sink
    your theeth into!

    Nobody say's it but everybody know: Adam Sarno caused the death of his best friend. He's been told that Edgar fellnthrough the ice and drowned. But Adam has no way of knowing what really happened....until he find a camera that can show him the past. Now the truth is about to be unleashed...and Adam isn't the only on who will suffer the consequences.
  • A Crazy Case of ROBOTS

    Tina quark has inveted the ultimate robot! the tinatron 1000 is programed to preform any task flawleesly-from clearning to homework, and everything in between. When tina asks giles barens to robo-sit the robot's prefect wys drive him prefectly crazy. And when tinatron's circuits start to overload sparks fly! Can barnes and th brains outsmart a renegade robot.
  • The Magic Thief Found

    Enter a world where dragons lurk cities are run living magic and heroes come from the most surprising places.
    sneaking out of prison ins't easy unless you are thief or a wizard. Luckily conn is both! Trouble is once he's out where dose he go? he blew up his home doing magic and he's exiled from his city on pain of death.
  • 26 Storey Treehouse

    Andy and Terry lived in a 13 storey treehouse and they have added anyother 13 storeys to that. So know they have a 26 storey tree house. When andy and terry macke a new book it will be called the 39 story tree house.
  • 39 story tree house

    In the last one that I was talking about is the 26 story tree house and know they have added another 13 storeys on to that. Know they have a 39 storey treehouse on an where they live. when the need to get there books to Mr Big Nose they use the flying cumra. Know the two boys want to go from 39+13= 52 and I wont to read it right know.