Timeline 20 facts

  • Manu and Julia will have finished Baccalaureate

  • Spain will be the winer of the football mundial.

  • Manu and Julia will be the king and queen of the wolrd

  • Julia will have to agree with Manu for killing half the world

  • Manu will have killed the majority of the population born since 2010.

  • Manu and Julia will be the killers of a lot of techers [Natalia no :)]

  • Julia and Manu will be the creators of robots that replace mosts of the people that they killed

  • Julia and Manu will have prohibited that people can be cani, whoever is a cani will be tortured to death.

  • Julia and Manu will be going to Florence in a private plane commanded by Natalia, who is an expert in long-haul flights and turbulence.

  • Manu will have contact with a divine being who helped him to torture and fulfil him wishes, Julia will be farmer for 2 years.

  • Manu and Julia will have take natalia to greece and they made her supreme all powerful queen of greece with Javi and her dogs.

  • Maria will be dead because of sobredosis of pills and coffee.

  • Maria's mother will have put in Maria's tombstone "Una cosa és sa moda i l'altra sa decència"

  • Manu will have made Ines she's councillor

  • Julia will be the best student in the world

  • Natalia will have died in an helicopter

  • Manu will have kill himself because he will say that the live is boring

  • Julia will be the creator of more robots that replace people

  • Julia will have killed the whole population

  • Manu will be the world's first person to be revived