Great depression nd new deal coulton schneider

  • first fireside chat

    first fireside chat
    tried to create a bond to the citizens and through the radio he hid his polio
  • stock market crash

    stock market crash
    largest stockmarket crash in the world most devastating
  • dust bowl

    dust bowl
    series of dust storms that destroyed the agriculture industry caused by over farming of the land
  • hawley-smoot tarrif act

    hawley-smoot tarrif act
    this raised tariffs on over 20,000 items to record levels
  • reconstruction finance corperation

    reconstruction finance corperation
    it gave financial aid to banks railroads and other companies
  • federal lone home bank act

    federal lone home bank act
    act passed to reduce the cost of home ownership it only loaned money to people only three claims were approved
  • bonus army gassed

    bonus army gassed
    about 43,000 people who had not been paid marched to washington to demand their pay and were tear gassed
  • frances perkins

    frances perkins
    she became first female cabinet member helped pull labor movement into new deal
  • FDR

    was elected president in 1933 the only president to serve more than eight years
  • the hundred days began

    the hundred days began
    fdr passed fifteen seperate bills closed the banks and anded the panic
  • glass-stegal act

    glass-stegal act
    seperated commercial and investment banking and limited commercial bank securities
  • john collier

    john collier
    became commisioner of indian affairs
  • mary bethune

    mary bethune
    she became head of negro affairs and nation youth adminastration
  • wagner act

    wagner act
    garentee the basic rights to form into unions
  • hoover dam built

    hoover dam built
    gave irrigation for crops and provided power for neighboring states
  • court packing plan

    court packing plan
    bill passed to add more justices to the supreme court to favor the new deal
  • nlrb v jones and laughlin steel company

    nlrb v jones and laughlin steel company
    a supreme court case that declared the wagner act constitutional
  • congress of industrial orginazation

    congress of industrial orginazation
    orginized workers into unions rival of the afl
  • grapes of wrath published

    grapes of wrath published
    told about migrational farmers and how the deppresion affected different people in different social classes
  • eleanor roosevelt

    eleanor roosevelt
    began her work as a social reformer and was important in getting woman jobs in the white house